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Everything posted by arnie360

  1. the fishing aspect is perhaps the area of the game most suited to Wiimote isn't it? All the criticism I've heard of the controls concerns Link in dungeon settings etc....
  2. I know you blindly praise everything Ninty touches Cozmic, but I prefer to be more critical with all console companies.
  3. remember when I said no TP on the cube was the most cynical thing I'd seen in gaming this year? scratch that, Lumines LIVE's pricing structure tops that easily. seems all gamers everywhere are getting a bum deal at the moment.
  4. ...and straight on till morning, right yamcha? if the Wii turns out to be good I'll definitely buy one, i'm not seeing anything so far that warrants a launch price £50 higher than the cube, and there has been much comment that the controls just don't feel right with the Wii games yet, together with the criticism that the control system just makes you tired. See this months gamestm for more. now i'm not just bashing ninty here, I have similar concerns that gears of war has been reported to also have controls that aren't quite there yet, but gears also has the fancy graphics to fall back on which being honest, the wii does not. everything about the wii relies on the control system to work or the venture is pointless. wii has been name checked as gamecube 1.5 by many commentators, do both machines not share the same dev kit? i'm not particularly bothered by the fact that zelda is now awii title, it's the way ninty said certain things would or would never happen and that's now all gone out of the window. that's why i don't rely on ninty for my main console gaming anymore, i got tired of the endless delays and PR bullpoo that seems to flow from ninty europe. im sure german gamers feel the same about microsoft at the moment now gears has been banned there.....
  5. Burn Nintendo. Burn. I never thought I'd see Nintendo take a more cynical launch strategy than Sony, but by essentially cancelling GC Zelda to force sales of GC1.5 - stupid controls edition, they've done just that.
  6. all this swearing, do you guys get infractions for that?
  7. heh heh, 360 version for me, along with hells highway, gears of war, rainbow six vegas, double agent.... So, poor graphics and no online, not the best start for the Wii 3rd party train is it?
  8. QFT - it's abysmal. When you look at the seperate paths Mario and Sonic took, thank fcuk for the Italian guy I say!
  9. Street Fighter I'd say, more fun online too.
  10. Wii does have the most anticipated game EVER as a launch title! Halo 2 is a launch title? :p
  11. Only console that ever died on me is the PS2, i had two of those go within a few months of each other. Never had a problem with a Ninty or M$ console.
  12. *has a launch 360* *has never had a problem*
  13. Zelda Freak, did you even see King Kong? You can level criticisms at it for many things, but Kong not looking realistic isn't one of them.
  14. 360 just cleaned up. Wars over boys, go home.
  15. So I guess the official stance of the site is that Wii-Europe is just ridiculous? I must admit, the name hasn't stuck yet like many promised it would. Wii still sounds silly.
  16. funny thing is, i don't class the revo as next gen at all. that's not a comment on it being good or bad, but a 'souped up xbox' with a new controller doesn't qualify for what i call 'next gen'. not being next gen isn't necessarily a bad thing, the DS isn't really in the same gen as the PSP, but we all know the DS absolutely wipes the floor with the PSP. i know, i'm gonna get flamed.
  17. no worries, i'll gladly explain my comments. first off, you should know i'm getting a revolution as i feel nintendo's recent output has been excellent. I own a DS, i'm getting a DS lite, and i'm currently playing advance wars DS, animal crossing, mario and luigi 2 and zookeeper. i own a tonne of DS games as i feel they deliver more (and the DS delivers more) than the gamecube ever did. however, while my thoughts about the revo hardware are positive, i have quite a lot of trepidation concerning the software, which mostly focuses on 3rd party software. will there be much 3rd party software is my first question, and will it be any good is my next question. i haven't seen enough of red steel to give you any definitive opinions, i only offer my very loose opinions based on the limited info and screens i've seen, but the game doesn't seem to hang together right for me. the adult theme of the game (no doubt a deliberate move to establish the revo as a machine not just for kids) grates against the apparent way you have to draw shapoes with the wand to do certain moves. it's almost like the GTA button pressing challenges everyone hated so much. i could be wrong, it could be really well implemented, but from what i've read so far i don't like that. it could break up the action and remove you from the atmosphere of the game. likewise, as a long term ubi fan, i know that any screens they throw us at this stage must be viewed with a healthy amount of scepticism, they could be real, but then again they could be 'concept' shots (the industry term for 'faked' these days). regardless of the quality of the game, i'm disappointed to see the first game revealed for the revo is a lightgun title, the most obvious application of the revo's wand. as time passes by perhaps tags like 'lightgun game' won't apply to revo title's, as every game will feature aspects of light gun, sword swinging etc...but i'm just explaining my comments here, i can't predict the future! you might still think i'm a bell-end, but them's my feelings on the matter. i'm sure cozmic had a good laugh that my first reply from a forum member was so descriptive!
  18. and questions end in question marks demuwan, you bell end. seriously, is that what amounts to debate here? bloody kids....
  19. completely deflated. a glorified crappy light gun game that is meant to be adult themed yet has you drawing shapes to attack is everything the critics said would happen. and if they are screenshots they're impressive, but they look like concept shots to me, much like the GRAW pics we got some 6 months before release.
  20. almost every analysts report into next gen console sales puts revo in 3rd, i think it was PS3 with 150 million sales overall, 360 with 60 million sales, and revo with 18 million sales.
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