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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Wow a double blast from the past. Good Luck Svt and good luck bowser? Sarcasm radar isnt what it used to be im afraid you have been gone to long.


    Was just kidding around, don't know if I'll bother with a Wii until there's a new Mario Kart or I see more of the online stuff.

  2. So having paid for 2 Xboxes, 2 live accounts, 2 copies of the game, all updates as soon as they were available and having spread the Halo word amongst all my friends I get repaid like this? I have to buy a new console to get some new maps?


    I think they should send me a 360 before I decide not to bother with it at all.

  3. American Footballer


    Me too! With a slight twist as I didn't want to spend £100 on the helmet I want, I do already have a mini version though that I'm going to just wear on top of my head like a tiny hat.


    I did want to go as a KKK member, but can't find anywhere to get the costume, I was sure I'd be able to get one online. I especially would have liked that as my friend is going as a Black Panther.

  4. When I tried logging into WoW on Sunday my account was frozen. Scariest few seconds of my life, before I realised it'd be that my old debit card had expired. Bought another six months on the new one, no more panic attacks for a while.

  5. I love the flashbacks, i like seeing to each characters past and learning more about who they are and the events that lead to them being on the plane, i think it adds to the show in a huge way, also its cool trying to pay attention to the background and spotting another character in the background


    He likes deal or no deal, don't sweat it.

  6. Breakdancing is what chav monkeys do to burn off all the alcohol and cigarettes and other stuff they have been smoking.


    And as we all know chavs = thugs = hiphop/rap music = break dancers

    so with that expression in mind we can see the link


    You sleep on a Nintendo pillow, don't you?

  7. I think if you aren't religious then marriage is pretty much redundant. There's the whole "show of commitment" thing, but if your relationship is solid do you really need that?


    I do, but only so the Mrs can stay in the country without immigration throwing her out.

  8. So I guess we won't be seeing you online on any of those games anytime soon?


    No? Aw, okay.


    The thing is I'd happily leave Colin alone to just follow Zeldafreak around killing him, and I hardly read these forums anymore!


    Forgetting all that, absolutely awesome work on the picture mate!

  9. Shangai Noon - My brother got it for my b'day, it was far more cheesy than I recalled, but an alright way to spend a couple of hours on a rainy Sunday.


    All is well though, I ordered TMNT (UK copy as I only had a US copy before), Friday Night Lights, Groundhog Day and Dead Men's Shoes on DVD this week.


    So tonight it's a takeaway pizza and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with the Mrs.. If I impress her by quoting every line before it's said in the film I'm sure to get some action.

  10. I've never been all that bothered about story telling in games as it's done so much better in books, film and TV. That's not the fault of the game makers (though many don't really care), it's just down to the fact that the player has an influence on the outcome, so any story that's told is just the result of the player running down a pre-determined path.


    "You 'avin a laugh? Is he 'avin a laugh?"


    Wasn't funny then.



    "Is he 'avin a- "

    I lost count of the tumbleweed that went by while he was repeating this jizzstain over and over.



    As has been pointed out, that was the exact point.


    Anyhow, you knew you didn't like Gervais before it was on, so why on Earth watch it?


    Go back to Noel, filthy little Box-Boy.

  12. I missed the first five mins or so but thought the rest was very good. Gervais is awesome. Don't listen to Murray, he likes Noel and Deal Or No Deal.


    Mitchell and Webb was pretty good, I was hoping there'd be more stuff that hadn't been on the radio show already though.


    Oh, and completely unrelated, I only got around to watching V for Vendetta last night, and thought that most excellent, so give it a try if you get chance.

  13. "Good morning! Steve Irwin is dead".


    Not exactly the nicest wake-up call is it?


    I imagine her just kicking open the door, running up to him in bed, getting a few inches away from his face and then screaming "IRWIN IS DEAD!".

  14. Can someone please explain the obsession with gamer points?


    Is there a benefit you get from them that I don't know about?


    Is the only thing that other people can see how many points you have?


    If so, don't folks realise that by buying into the whole points thing they're just being played like complete fools by MS?

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