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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Sleaford, Lincolnshire.


    Everyone says Lincolnshire has good sausages but I was in the Bardge and Bottle a few nights ago having a Lincolnshire Suasage meal and it was shit.


    Lincolnshire Suasages: Don't Believe the Lies


    New book by Wesley the Sauseagelover out soon


    Buy them from Brown's butchers shop in town, they're nice from there.

  2. Why do keep insinuating that Muslims are involved in violent protest then? It's like your standing next too a huge crowd of peacful protestors, but keep using the one pistol-whipping idiot at the back as evidence of extreme violence in the protest.


    Why do you keep trying to shift the goalposts just because I proved you wrong?


    All I did was question showing up to protest about cartoons showing your god as violent while carrying a machine gun.


    You're the one suggesting people have been shot, pistol whipped and all.


    I said people had showed up with machine guns, you said they hadn't, I showed you proof they had and now you're moaning about what I've insinuated.


    I'll put it quite clearly for you...


    I said they showed up with machine guns, they did.


    What are you finding so difficult to accept?

  3. That's two people, 19.9% of the world are muslims (Thankyou world map in my bedroom for that figure). That's 1 billion people.


    But I didn't say 76% of all muslims showed up with machine guns, did I?


    I was just trying to point out that it's perhaps not the best tactic when trying to show the world that the cartoons were out of order.


    But as you've pointed out, it's me who's the mental, not the guys with machine guns.

  4. It would be if someone went to a protest in London and did that, but not in most countrys in the world. They only fire them into the air! They don't have intention to use them against people.


    There's too much media portrail of evil looking people wearing shegmahs over their faces and holding guns. It means nothing at all. The shegmah is comparable to a hoody and the gun comparable to a protest sign.


    Ah right, my mistake!

  5. I don't like multiculturalism. Multiculturalism destroys British heritage, culture and history. Multiculturalism makes Britain more politically correct, because people are afraid of offending other religons, races and cultures who live in this country.


    What I also hate is when the ethnics speak their own native language instead of English.. Excuse me, you are in ENGLAND now, SPEAK ENGLISH!


    When in Rome, do as the Romans.. I will always beleive in that sentence.



    At this point I'd just like to seperate myself from the fools that use terms like "ethnics".


    I'm sure most folks around here knew from the off that my comments weren't meant to be taken seriously.

  6. You are such a stud.


    Well the cheek of the man!


    You don't see me moving to Switzerland only to give it a few years before saying "Oh, your clocks are shit, your chocolate tastes like that cheap stuff they sell at the fair and your army knives are nothing more than a gimmick!".

  7. What's next they'll ban the chicks from car expos too? Meh



    Well maybe they could have a "chick" expo for folks that'll miss them?


    Then all the sweaty little chaps that went to car and game expos just to perv at women could go there instead with no false pretentions as to what it's all about.

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