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8-bit soul

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    Gaming, Movies, Sleeping
  • Occupation
    9-5 Office Bum


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    XBOX PC!?!
  • Favourite Game?
    Zelda Ocarina of Time
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  1. I buy from Game and the only reason i do this is because my brother works there and gets 30% off games 20% off Accessories 10% off systems and if it weren't for that i would go else where especial now it seams the only place to buy cube games is online (well if you want new sealed games)
  2. What nintendo kept from Rare Donkey kong & Diddy Kong not sure about the other Kong's because they were creating by rare (as was DiddY) and Star fox this is because the Rare just made the games for the characters which nintendo owns Rare Kept Prefect Dark Blast Corps Banjo & Kazooie Conker Kameo Sabre Wolf Jet Force Gemini Killer Instinct because all aspects of these games were made by Rare and Nintendo Published them on their Systems hope this helps
  3. the big lebowski is a great film and if you like it (its been suggested a lot) you should try other Coen films like Fargo O brother where art thou? raising arizona the hudsucker proxy millers crossing to name a few ! if you watch Kurosawa's seven samurai (best film ever) then watch rashamon fidden fortress (remade in to stars wars) yojimbo (remade into A fist full of dollars and more recently last man standing) Sanjuro
  4. Car boot sales and Fetes are best for deals! a lot of stuff i got over the years have come from car boots the reason is that most people just want to off load the unwanted crap and are just concerned about making a profit at the end of a hard days haggle you do get the occaisional "expert" who wont let his stuff go cheap but dont be fooded car boots are hard work you could search all day and not find anything also you need to get up early!!! it beats all these ebay auctions with "Rare resident evil 4 on cube" who know and want to make money out of their stuff
  5. mine be a samsung E720 i reckon its pretty badass i love it !
  6. Sorry dude i did mean to burst your Bubble, although i don't think it would be owned by t-shirthell.com because its a common phase with leet speak or should be l33t (or 1337)
  7. i don't want to get too deep on this but i believe you are who you are because of your experiences in life. Changing your image just because you don't like it is not being true to who you are. i do except that if you are physically injured the ability to have your appearance saved by plastic surgery is a necessity but hay if some model wants to increase her bust to 64FF it’s her business especially if it costs £10,000, which you could buy a car for, albeit not a good car but still. Car or boobs???
  8. very amusing and original 9/10
  9. i totally love those Ts dare i say but they are retro chic!!!!! for a link T i would have an all green T with a small Triforce logo over the left breast with " Hyrule Knight" neatly placed underneath but you have the obvious problem with copywriting with that you could have similar ideas for all the big N's characters like "plumber" or "Savour of the Mushroon Kindom" for Mario "Arwing Fighter" for Star Fox "anti Grav Racer" for Z-zero "Bounty Hunter" for Metroid Etc..... but i'm getting a head of my self!!! P.S. "1F J00 C4N R34D TH1$ J00 N33D 2 G3T L41D" is featured on t-shirthell.com
  10. Well if i had bought it Megaman 1 on Nes boxed and in mint condtion for £9.99 in game station oh man i wish i got that.... the last Ebay Megaman went for £40
  11. I'm sorry if this has been raised before but i am new (to Revolution-Europe) I feel the hype has died down enough for this…… Don't get me wrong i love the 'Idea' of the Revo controller and i really want it to work and be very popular. I try to look at these things objectively but the controller reminds of the Eye Toy which is also a great idea and a innovative way to play games, but its not the PS2 controller, its an accessory which boosts sales for the PS2 by attracting the so called non gamers to gaming or gamers feed up with the constant EA cash-ins. So Sony has its bases covered by appealing to the gaming masses as well as appealing the novelty gamers with out sacrificing its current user base. One problem with the Eye Toy though is how many of the Eye Toys games are basically the same game wrapped up in different graphics? How many different variations of a flying or racing game can the revolution have before the novelty wears off and the similarities start to wear in? I know Nintendo are the leaders in innovation and have invented a lot of what the gaming industry now take for granted and so I have not given up on them I’m just worried that Nintendo won’t be seducing any PS3 / XBOX 360 owners to part with their cash. I’m a die-hard fan of Nintendo and have for longer than most but I can’t help but worry that the big N is in for a rough couple of years.
  12. I popped into the Redhill branch of Game to find to my surprise they had completely removed the GC shelf. i had seen this coming though as i'm sure most of us have. My brother works for Game in Epsom and he has had to fight to keep GC Games on the shelf. it is a sad fact but Nintendo has not really helped the situation, what with a non excistant release schedule and virtually no advertising in the UK can you blame retailers for not bothering. it would also help if Nintendo followed from Sony and slipped Game a bit of cash each month to keep GC on the shelves........
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