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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. Early access codes are going out check your emails. Can't wait to get home now. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus using Tapatalk
  2. Woah out of nowhere! I've always wanted to play this back in the day but the multiplayer requirements.
  3. Ah crap, I thought I'd be able to make it home on time. [emoji26] Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus using Tapatalk
  4. There's a chance I might not be home on time. IN if I am and I pick Summer.
  5. Yep that's me. Good games, that last one was complete destruction they had no chance.
  6. IN Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
  7. Oh cool new mode looks fun. I'm gonna play that later on tonight and over the weekend. @Sméagol sorry was out yesterday.
  8. Thanks for the games guys, it was fun for the most part. What are the chances of Nintendo adding anti-cheat to their online this September?
  9. If you still need one more I'll join again.
  10. I guess that explains the wtf moments.
  11. @Glen-iI can step in for some games, just let me know when @Ugh first aid back.
  12. Sorry super late IN. I'm not playing from home so if it's to laggy or I dc I'll drop out. @Glen-i Never mind I don't think the Wi-Fi here works for online gaming I keep getting errors trying to connect .
  13. Yeah there's bug with one of Furia's abilities so they've disabled her on all platforms. Have you tried Koga yet? He seems sooo strong and has crazy movement options. Low hp but really deadly.
  14. I think they said it would be a possibility during the developers reddit ama and linking accounts.
  15. I couldn't tell if you crashed / dc because an AI takes over. But yeah if you manage to reconnect quickly the game will put you back into the same match. Yep I went with the battle pass for the rewards and skins, some look really nice. I'm close to getting the dragoncaller skin for Cassie, I'm about 4 levels away. I didn't know this before but playing in a party grants you 10% more exp and gold. I'm down for some games. I'll use my group exp boosters on our matches.
  16. Some great matches last night @Sméagol, especially that one game we played double support they had no chance. I've not played much of frontline and flank champions which is why you saw me go for the damage and supports. I see what you guys mean about the waiting kinda breaks the flow but the game is really fun once you get into a match.
  17. Team Octo for sure! Available today.
  18. I can't make it again Should be all good from next week @Glen-i
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