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Everything posted by UK-Gamer

  1. i never new hitmon chan screems like a girl, this is a classic must see clip, is there ne more where this came from ?
  2. what crits ?i cant run off just a number.
  3. i know about the 'rate above persons sig' thread but i would mine rating quickly, this is my first sig and would like you too tell me what you think, p.s how do i get downloaded text into 'the gimp' i download it but it doesnt come up in my programmes. help appreciated
  4. 8/10, i like the style, nice edges. good sig !
  5. half of them i dont like, tales of tempest is the only nice one
  6. i am wanting a new size memory stick for my psp, given that i want short video clips tons of save a couple of music tracks tons of pictures. what would be the best card for me, i am thinking of the 512mbone or should i pay am extra 20 quid for the 1gig one. is it worth the extra money ?
  7. how much would you think a blu-ray ps3 game will cost (estimate) then ?
  8. 1.Tales of Symphonia, Very long rpg, millions of hours and such indepth story, and thats without the beautifful anime styled graphics 2.Resi 4, The graphics you could say where ahead of the time for GC, gameplay and story was good. 3. Legend of zelda, Orcarina of time 4. Mario kart: double dash 5. Pokemon blue.
  9. i sold my tos copy but stil have my save, does any one now where i can get it for cheep ???
  10. please may you make me a sig on the metal gear solid them thanks
  11. http://www.weoponsgalore.com, that has loads of cool blade 3 stuff
  12. I know im getting a psp and a couple of dvds and a few games. What are you guys gettin ??
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