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  1. I'd be happy to add some people as well, here's my friend code: 4914-3590-9805 I'll add anyone who adds me.
  2. Do we already know what the difference will be between these to games, aside from different Pokemon?
  3. Not even SNES games.. Mind-boggling that the only games available are GB and NES games (released on such a sloooow schedule). I get that the GBA-games cannot be emulated properly on the 3DS, but the SNES games shouldn't be a problem, right?
  4. What are the chances of seeing SNES titles on the 3DS VC? I think it's unbelievable that a system that is as far as I know completely capable of running those games don't have them, I mean c'mon, only NES titles? I'd love to play games like Megaman X and Super Metroid on a handheld. Has Nintendo officially ruled out this possibility? Or in case the 3DS and Wii U got an unified account system then maybe games could be played on both consoles?
  5. Not what I wanted, at all. After two awesome games like Galaxy 1 & 2 this is supposed be the flagship title for Wii U? Really, really disappointing.
  6. Didn't the development start on Wii and then moved to Wii U? Maybe it'd look better if they had developed it as a Wii U title from the very beginning. It doesn't by any means look bad but yeah the flatness of the ground textures doesn't look very good.
  7. Rockstar makes GTA, Rocksteady makes Batman. :wink:
  8. If you all like Arkham City I really hope you'll get to try Arkham Asylum (if you have the PS3 or 360) which in my opinion is the better game. I finished AC under a month ago and even if I liked it, I still felt it wasn't nearly as good as the first one. The open world and kinda "all over the place"-atmosphere (hard to explain but there was way too much going on all the time, felt very disorienting) didn't really work for me.
  9. Not having played ZombiU can't comment on that one, but Dark Souls (and Demons Souls) are REALLY good games and it's a big shame if WiiU misses out on this one now that the system is able to run them. There are no excuses really, wasn't Nintendo after the core gamers after all? I signed the petition btw.
  10. What model is your tv? I'm lousy at recognizing TV:s and I'd gladly read some specs, probably getting a new TV tomorrow.
  11. It's a real pain to even look at the shelf for the Wii games nowadays, it's like having an overdose of Pink, blue, yellow, purple.. and rubbish. Some real game stores have almost completely removed these 'games' but the problem remains in the bigger stores (that aren't only focused on games).
  12. I don't think gamers care about who's first and who's not, because if the console itself can't provide the gamer what he wants, like proper Online, HD (seriously, this will be standard at some point, there's no denying), more games made for the core-market (both from Nintendo and the 3d-party), I don't really think it matters which one is the best-seller. I find Wii extremely boring at the moment. After the big games that were released like two years ago (Metroid Prime, Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Brawl), I haven't had any interest for the Wii since.
  13. And it was completely optional, no one was forced to watch it.
  14. So with this game, and with four players jumping around on the screen, Nintendo is pushing Wii to its limits? You've got to be kidding me!
  15. As long as it feels (and is) like a new game I will be happy. It's just that watching the trailer I got the impression I was watching gameplay footage of the first game, not the sequel, which is a bit worrying I guess. I'm still hoping to see Bowsers kids.
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