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Everything posted by Fresh

  1. Disney Buying Marvel For $4 Billion

    Marvel vs Disney Princess'. Capcom never saw it comming.
  2. Hey everybody

    Does anyone really care? Bluntly, I don't. If they end up to be a "troll", or whatever the latest buzzword is, then they will get banned. Simple. I'm sure the mods and admins are watching and I'm sure Rok wouldn't be as stupid as to come back. He knows the amount of information Ashley and the likes can get with the click of a button. Before we know it another will be along with their super l33t skillz and the endless cycle will continue. It's all part of the fun of the forum.
  3. Football Season 2009/2010

    Seriously, what is going on with Madrid? Letting Robben go to Munich is ridiculous. Who, on another note, look like they are going to be a serious force in Europe this year. Robben, Ribery, and then whoever they deicide to play up front could lethal.
  4. Sexuality Thread

    Just something I have been doing a lot of reading up on. It's really heart-warming to see such support and while I have nothing to do with the US really it is a cause I feel for.
  5. Beaches

    Monarch Beach? I know, I know.
  6. Beaches

    As much as I love Bondi, I've got a soft spot for Manly Beach. Both are lovely though only Bondi is often full of backpackers.
  7. Football Season 2009/2010

    The situation regarding free-kicks and penalties at united is really concerning me. Nani scored from a free kick with placement not power, something Ronaldo didn't really do but is something that Beckham used to use. Great, you would think. I am not sure however if he can repeat this over and over again. He has a strong hit on him as well, but not the hardest. Regarding penalties I am really confused over who I would like to take them. I would like Rooney to step up but he doesn't seem keen. Carrick hit a shocker but I know he can do better. Giggs has taken 5 penalties for United and missed 3 so he's not really a prime candidate and he isn't starting every game anyway. Berbatov, well I think we all remember his recent results. Evra seems to want to but I'm not sure about his nerves and he again has missed one recently. I suppose when it comes down to it, it is about who holds their cool. I would love someone like Vidic to step up and hit one, he's always solid but I suppose mos realistically it would be Wayne.
  8. Football Season 2009/2010

    You guys really can argue about attendances all you want. As an outsider all I can say is in the grand scheme of things Sunderland at the moment have the upper hand. Everything else is just a moot point.
  9. G-Unit, Pow Pow Pow. You be dead brother! In all seriousness, the guy sounds like a creep.
  10. I think the accepted interoperation would be "very much", which in this case would be false.
  11. I liked the olden days when these types of people were cast off from their retrospective villages and sent into the woods to be eaten my wolfs and the like. Oh, those were the simple times.
  12. Football Season 2009/2010

    Kings Cross, at night, alone. I'd rather not.
  13. Football Season 2009/2010

    Hehe, it's alright. I'm trying to find a decent place to watch United but with no luck at the moment.
  14. Football Season 2009/2010

    Jim, where about in Aus are you?
  15. User Image Gallery

    AHHHHH, She's too cute. I just want to go up to her and make strange animal noises. MOoooooOo.
  16. Questions

    The rules regarding signature dimensions and file sizes, while maybe need some alterations, are perfectly fine. You can create, or get someone else to create plenty of nice images to go there and it leaves enough room for creativity. I should know this, I've had plenty of experience and know staying within the rules isn't hard.
  17. Post Your Purchases

    Really wanted Vidic 15 on the back but nowhere near me does printing.
  18. Football Season 2009/2010

    You just knew it was going to be those two. Villa interested in Sneijder now? Would be a cracking swoop if they could get him. Just what they need but I couldn't see him leaving for a non champions league club.
  19. The App Store Thread

    God, Grindr is too much fun.
  20. Football Season 2009/2010

    All I can is fair play to Alonso. They tried to off load him last year and failed, he proves his worth and they change their stance. I do fear for Madrid though. What kind of possible formation are they planning with so many great individuals? Will players such as Robben and Sneijder really be happy just getting splinters in their ass and signing off pay cheques while never really cementing their first team place?
  21. Haven't used this feature yet so I feel I now must...... hummm, nifty.
  22. Football Season 2009/2010

    These boys have really been impressive on the tour so far. Ando in particular has been Showing some more consistent form, those glimpses of greatness that we have seen from him in the last 2 years have started to flourish and he seems to be able to keep them up for a whole game. Here's to him continuing to shit on Fabregas*. Nani has again showed what he is capable of. I know that is Sir Alex has his way he only would have been leaving Portugal now however other bids were coming in for him 2 years ago and we needed to get him, even if it was slightly prematurely. There is a lot of talk about him being Ronaldo Mk II. However, and I hope some of you agree with me, now that Ronaldo has gone I think Nani's time to show us his individual talents. He may never be Ronaldo Mk II but I think a Nani Mk I might be quite a damn good player. * Flink, I hope you get in what this is in reference to.
  23. Football Season 2009/2010

    I understand where you are comming from but I still think they are performing well. Also the lad has only played at OT twice. I think the steps he is making are incredible. On a rather side note looks like Kolo is off to Man City, £16m. I know Arsenal have some financial debt however I thought they had some decent credit structure to repay the new stadium. It would seem not however. Hopefully this new guy can fill Kolos place and keep them in the top four but it's starting to look more like citys place now, then again I would rather Villa have it.
  24. Football Season 2009/2010

    I wasn't claiming the team they were playing about were on the same level of them but there really isn't a need to slate the teams. The guys are playing well and it's nice to see owen on the scoresheet and berbs playing slightly differently than before. It is easy for people to say Sir Alex brought him in to play Ruud-esk however these are the kind of people who don't really understand what he is all about. It's all about his link up, his creation and yes occasionally his reactions. What we must remember is boys such as Kiko, yes boys he's only 17, are still at the start of their career. So if I were 17, playing in front of a sell out 100,000 person crowd, against a team of much older and more experienced professionals, and in a team which scored 8 I'd be damn happy about it.
  25. Football Season 2009/2010

    Berbatov does seemed to have improved at he is playing well in pre-season. Everyone seemed to be calling for united to get a new striker when we lost Ronaldo and Tevez however at the moment Kiko and Owen seem to be supplying plenty of goals. The team scored 8 in their last game.