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About auntnadia2003

  • Birthday 07/09/1978


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  1. dammit. i thought i'd checked every post.: peace:
  2. in case anyone has yet to see it. here's some leaked footage of act 1. http://www.destructoid.com/leaked-sonic-4-footage-confirms-it-s-a-sonic-game-163943.phtml
  3. thought this was more than a bit spooky. http://www.destructoid.com/letter-predicts-super-mario-galaxy-16-years-ahead-of-time-163664.phtml
  4. http://www.brisbanemodchips.com.au/faq.html
  5. good old democracy eh!!! to make it even more confusing, i think that australia is one of the only countries where you can legally modify your consoles and sell them on.
  6. i'm amazed how many sites reported this, without actually taking the time to type "nibris" into google and check if it was true. http://www.nibris.net/
  7. not a wii game, but i don't see many GC twilight princess around. the resident wiivil's probably won't be around too long either chop til you drop. (i've never seen a copy) and (possibly) links crossbow training. there didn't seem to be enough to go around when it was first released.
  8. OUCH http://www.nintendo.com.au/index.php?action=news&nid=76
  9. We don't smell that bad do we? forums in general scare the hell out of me. a big pile of moderators waiting in the shadows to give you some kind of warning for not reading the 1000 page rulebook, or being overly aggressive to "noobs" or people who post in the wrong place. yuk. not that i'm saying these forums are like that..... i just don't find forums enticing places to visit!!
  10. I don't normally check the forums, but this is a very exciting rumour. make of it what you will..... http://www.destructoid.com/craig-peck-reveals-that-goldeneye-is-coming-to-the-wii-153136.phtml
  11. i'm not even sure that they've even got a development team. this could be the worlds longest april fools. if nibris aren't making the game, i wish to god somebody would though.
  12. to drag this all up again, this image was posted at ign, then taken down. source: http://www.destructoid.com/sadness-screenshot-revealed-photograph-of-bigfoot-to-follow-80768.phtml
  13. Right, here they are. In no particualar order. 1 Xiii The best shooter of the last gen consoles for me. If it weren't for some annoying stealth sections, this could have been as good as a certain N64 title we all seem to like. 2 Super Mario Sunshine I don't care what you say. This is an improvement on Mario 64. 3 Resident Evil 4 A truly unnerving experience and one of the best games of all time. 4 Killer 7 Is it art? 5 Zelda TP How much juice does the cube have in it? 6 Zelda WW Not the best Zelda, but even the worse Zelda is better than most games. 7 Metroid Prime Kept true to the classics, whilst creating a whole new experience on the cube. 8 Rogue Squadron 2 thank god this was rushed out for launch, because RS3 was a lesson in how to over indulge. 9 Viewtiful Joe proving that the tried and tested formulas never get old when shown a bit of TLC. 10 Ikaruga really does take a lifetime to master. i'll still be trying to beat this when i'm 70
  14. Found this snippet at Destructoid. It's still to be counted as a rumour, but a likely one at that. http://www.destructoid.com/rumortoid-skate-coming-to-nintendo-ds-and-wii-79510.phtml
  15. i'm criticising the ammount of times you use those words.
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