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Magnus Peterson

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Everything posted by Magnus Peterson

  1. So, I can post until today has done. I was indeed Mr. Napped last night, and was donning the clumsy disguise when I was. I am town. I targeted Mr.Rush last night. Obviously, I never got the chance to bump uglies with him. ...That's my greatest regret. Also, Vote: Mr. Lazy as my dying action of malice.
  2. I am still alive, no?? Although, I have no PM... Just call me Mr. Confused.
  3. As far as doubts to my alignment go, and just in case there are any lie detectors out there; I am town/good/not a kidnapper.: peace:
  4. Be forewarned, Messrs. Tonight, one of you shall receive a bumping!
  5. I got the pm at 7pm yesterday, so I would say after.
  6. I can vouch for Diageo that he at least has a power which is not used at night.
  7. I seemed to have received a PM, some hours ago. I have been involved with an accident with Mr. Clumsy! As a result, we have swapped our outfits. I am now Mr. Clumsy*. Some unknown member now dons the outfit of a one, Mr. Jelly. Mr. Jelly has the power to roleblock! Was the unknown member what accosted me, a scandalous bastard? *(who looks like a scruffy Hitler)
  8. I did not target anyone last night. It seemed it would likely have done more harm than good. I am not Mr. Mischief.
  9. It aint you, skippy.
  10. I attained more information. A certain player will, after being killed, survive until the end of the next low tide.
  11. Vote: No Lynch
  12. Sure is quiet under the sea... Say, do you all want to know who can visit the surface not once but twice, during a low tide phase? I also know of one other, who can, by way of their reflective scales, garner what power gemstones are used upon them. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? *Correction: ?????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????
  13. I am enjoying his colourful cries of relief. There is no rush.
  14. I can vouch that the information I gathered on night 1 tells of a player who has two abilities. One a double vote. Although, I don't know under which alignment a double vote would be likely to occur. Thoughts people?
  15. Just call me Mr. In.
  16. Who did you target?
  17. On the first day under the sea, something only appeared after a curious fish ventured up first, no?
  18. Alignment cop-fish down. Swim to the surface I was successful. Again I gained some info on another, which I can reveal should the need or questions arise.
  19. Thoroughly enjoyable game. RoboCop is pleased to have dispensed his justice.
  20. I may have missed/forgotten something...
  21. I could not penetrate the box, could I not, inside which sat our dear Mr-Paul. Thus, he remains a mystery...
  22. Vote Esequiel MAJORITAH!
  23. Turtles eat fish, right?
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