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Magnus Peterson

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Everything posted by Magnus Peterson

  1. I thought we might have had more of a discussion before we killed him. This is a tetchy town! I at least hoped for some other information to come out today. Ah well, there's always tomorrow...
  2. Well, yes I suppose it is difficult for me to hide that I am a cop. (Totally forgot to check myself before I wreck myself) What does the town desire? Lynching or waiting? (Obviously we still have much of the day to discuss other things)
  3. I wish to protect myself. Foolishly. I urge a lynching of Cube. If the townsfolk feel like they need a reason, I shall give it. However, I would prefer him to die without me needing to reveal myself so early on. Vote: Cube I received information regarding his alignment.
  4. I was successful last night. I good reason to suspect Cube is Mafia. *I have good reaso...
  5. One crucial thing making me not suspicious of Sheikah is how much he has put into the thread. I know this very well could be a Mafia tactic, but if it is, it's a bloody lot of risky, bloody effort to go to! I definitely feel more suspicious of Dud than Sheikah, at the very least. From what I can gather (I won't have time tonight to read through the thread, sadly), most of what Dud has said has been to smear Sheikah. Screw it. Vote: Smeagol - You may have well saved me earlier, but this could easily be to cover yourself. I'm sticking with Sheikah!
  6. Well first of all, Sheikah and Dud argued about 'something' until they both decided the other was proven wrong. ...And that's all I can remember! lol I also have suspicions about Mr-Paul. However, I have nothing real to go on. I am also concerned about my suspicions, since I was quite sure Yvonne and Esequiel would turn up Mafia. I will try my best to have a read-through while on my night-shift, tonight!
  7. I honestly can't remember who has done what!! Remove Vote
  8. OK. ...I still don't have a scooby as to who to trust. I think of possibilities, but all that goes to shit when I factor in unknown team-work, which is a given (unless most of the Mafia are prominently absent). I'm sticking with Sheikah* for now, and with the vote on Smeagol. Is the town happy to lynch Mr. Smeagol, today? *If you're Mafia, Sheikah, I am totally going to cunt-punt you after all this.*:p
  9. I don't think you can blame people for not wanting to contribute to this. The arguments get carried away so quickly between certain people, that it becomes very difficult to keep up (esp. with real life stuff going on), ...or sometimes even remain interested. I can't keep up with the meta arguments because I haven't been playing long enough to properly understand them. Also, they kind of ruin the point of having a theme. -------------------------------------------------------------- It has been difficult to work out who is doing what because there has been so much switching going on. I, myself, haven't had much information to give (I've been unlucky with my targeting). For now, I trust Sheikah (if you're Mafia then you are playing really well, ...I think?). Then again, I didn't feel I could trust Yvonne or Esequiel.
  10. True. It sucks. I don't know how I can defend myself. Since no-one can verify what I claim, I wouldn't blame anyone for lynching me. I am sane/town. I'm just having rotten luck! You have given wrong information, though. I don't know if you've been screwed with, or if you're Mafia. Town should keep an eye on you, after I'm gone. I'm feeling that I can trust Sheikah, now. So I'll go with the Vote: Smeagol @Mr\-Paul Peeps correction. I was indeed role-blocked. Peeps made a mistake! You are OK in my books, again.
  11. No I wasn't. My PM tells me that Yvonne targeted Cube.
  12. Shit snacks. I targeted Yvonne last night (double bluff so Mafia wouldn't stuff me). Yvonne targeted Cube.
  13. I don't disagree with the logic, here. However, trying to make sense of the back-and-forth that goes on, often for multiple pages, you miss details.
  14. I'd still be happy to go for Yvonne, if that's the way people want to go.
  15. Actually, can I have one without you in it... :p
  16. I will vote Dedede, mostly out of self-preservation at this point. Yvonne, I was going to track you, as you suggested, but since everyone knows who I will track, there is plenty of room for Mafia mischief. It is not a safe option. Can I have a list of three people to pick, that we think are definitely town.
  17. @Yvonne. I certainly could. However, I don't know that you're not Mafia. If people want me to, I will.
  18. I don't have much of any info, true. I cannot help that. If you feel that I am playing suspiciously, then lynch me. I will flip town, though. Make use of it.
  19. Diageo. Sane. Target Tracker.
  20. Diageo. I am sane.
  21. @Sheikah, didn't notice your question. N1 I targeted Moogle. He was protected, though. As for why my tracking info doesn't give me much for N2. I have absolutely no idea and seemingly nothing to go on. I haven't ignored requests. I simply missed your question. This is why I am suspicious of you all the time, Sheikah. You jump on things way to easily. You never question yourself.
  22. When I flip town. Do something useful with it at least, people. I do not wish to die for nothing.
  23. If Dedede is such a bad choice, now. ...Why not Yvonne? Remove vote
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