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Magnus Peterson

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Everything posted by Magnus Peterson

  1. Well, Vote: Moogle then. It seems the best we will have for today. Although, Jon Dedede having targeted Peeps is something to watch for.
  2. @heroicjanitor, I targeted you last night. I obtained a little information on you, which I have no reason to divulge now. Nothing to suggest either TOWN or MAFIA, though, so I'll sit on it. I hope you enjoyed my blessings. I am currently feeling cautious about Moogle's vote. Definitely suspicious information, but after recent mafias I'm a little concerned about jumping on a train bound for nowhere. The day has plenty of time. I'll place my vote by the end, if that's the way people are swinging.
  3. Sorry for late reply - work schedule. I was successful last night, but nothing else to report. Going to have a read through of the thread, now...
  4. Really great game. Had us on our toes. Thoroughly enjoyable! Well done.
  5. .................No lynch
  6. Reporting for duty, Sir!
  7. N1. BROWN - Aqui1a is TOWN. N2. BROWN - Jon Dedede is MAFIA. N3. GREEN - protect myself. N4. ORANGE - reverse track Cube. N5. took a bean from the bag.
  8. Drahkon, did you know what the aqua bean did before you used it?
  9. I know Aqui1a is town. I confirmed this. Drahkon, however, I am a little suspicious of...
  10. I do like a good bandwagon. Vote: heroicjanitor
  11. ...Drat. OK then. I think I believe Rez and Drahkon? Rez has seemed helpful (elaborate ploy!?). I'm still a little suspicious of Mr Paul, though. @Esequiel, we've already had this played out and found out that a jail kept person is only protected from kills.
  12. Seems like a plan. Vote Jimbob
  13. Interesting turn of events... Remove Vote
  14. Vote: Mr-Paul ...because I'm easily led.
  15. I know Aqui1a is town.
  16. Jonnas or Jimbob? I forget who has been revealed/strongly suggested to be town. I also cannot be arsed to dredge the thread.
  17. I reversed tracked The Cube; he was targeted by Rez. I am now beanless. For what it's worth, I can confirm the Green and Orange beans' powers. So, today's phase is going to be fruitful... Anyone we fancy lynching for the sheer fun of it? (My random vote goes for Animal) Although, looking above, it seems as though Peeps was planning to do some tracking. #waitingforpeeps
  18. I think it was cleared that the jail-keeping only protects from kills, not role-blocks. So that situation is in fact, not a situation. ...We have nothing. Except a dead Dud.
  19. Have we nothing to be even a little suspicious of, today? Maybe we should pick a name out of those not confirmed town and make 'em sweat??
  20. I used a green bean on myself, last night. Seems it was unnecessary; a la Cube's bean. I'll wait for more information before I place a vote yet. Seems Heroic is our next contender...
  21. Oh, wow. That was a silly lynch. Sarcastic clap to the town.
  22. Not particularly. It was more of a clumsy mistake. My PM was worded in a way that made me think I had originally targeted Dud; I had forgotten that I had sent a different target because it is the first night and it's a random choice. @Jonnas
  23. Derp.........
  24. I had originally targeted Jon Dedede. Forgot that; was too wrapped up in what my PM said.
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