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Everything posted by conzer16

  1. Hmmmmm..........not even NWii?? god i hate to think of what the $ony and M$ fanboys are saying if its just gonna be called Wii!! ah Wii'll get over it!! As has already been said Wii must stand for something. E3 isnt that far away, so just wait and see. Nintendo will reveal something mindblowing.....im sure! Wii - Wireless I_______ I________ Any ideas??
  2. Nintendo Wii......................i swear to god its growing on me again........
  3. Here here! theres 2 posts that have made more sense than anything else written anywhere about the Wii yet. Roll on November!!!
  4. Here here!!! Well said:D
  5. check out NOA's interview on IGN......there wont be a name change. Like it or lump it is the mantra they seem to be going with. It sure is unique anyways! and theyve got the whole world talking aboout them. Thats marketing for you!!
  6. i just dont know.......left this thread yeaterday at bout half 8 and it was 13pages long after only 1 1/2 hours...........man what the HELL are nintendo playing at. People are saying that they will rename it for the english speaking territories, but why not just call the revolution. Jesus.....they have seriously blown the Industry to bits in the last 16 hours!!! there hasnt been this much talk about a nintendo console since Goldeneye on 64!!!!!
  7. Screw this.....im off to the cinema.......
  8. ah of course!!! Stupid me!! yeah had a big discussion over the dinner table wit me bro about that........
  9. I dont care how many times i read it i keep (and probably always will be) calling it wy!! its the double i that makes my brain not communicate with my mouth properly and i say wy........ at least it sounds better wee....i mean wii
  10. why didnt you get wii-europe.com???
  11. oh god......lets hope ninty dont go for Wii2 or WiiII or summit stooopid like that after this one!!! Wiii maybe!!! W3????
  12. ((((i am right amn't i))))
  13. actually playstation has 3 syllables PLAY-STA-TION
  14. As Robert Frost said: "I took the road less travelled by And that has made all the difference" Wii'll have to wait and see......
  15. i went thru that phase too......
  16. Smowza is right. But if they figure people would laugh at the name or be completely silent whii would they call it Wii in the first place???????
  17. I agree with triforce but if they called it FUCK-SAUSAGE i think they would seriously have to limit th damage!! It is all about the games, but they have done themselves no favour by wii-ing on the parade!! Nintendo Whii.........????
  18. im sure thats just a mock up.
  19. phew! i thought it was my comp!! nintendo.com was down for a little while with all the traffic!
  20. ive changed my mind completely. I hate it. It just ridicles Nintendo amongst PS3 and Xbox plebs. WTF???? i hope someone in Nintendo gets the sack for this one
  21. its growing on me.......;interesting choice tho
  22. Hey guys and gals in nintendo-europe-land! Just checkin up on the Big N's Progress with the Revolution and came acrss this rather horrifying news on a game site. This news applies to North America too, so IF its true and thats a BIG IF!!....imagine when we'd get our hands on the Rev here in Europe..... http://www.dailygame.net/news/archives/005134.php Might only be a mistake tho.....hopefully.....
  23. 1. Goldeneye - Just an amazing game. Multiplayer started a whole new breed of games 2. Probotector 3. Mario 3 (on NES....cant remeber if thats the proper name..... ) 4. Super Metroid Prime 5. Tiger Woods PGA 2004
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