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Everything posted by Zyklon

  1. What realm, faction, race and class are you?
  2. I don't know the venue, sorry. I'd assume you'd only get ID checked if you go to the bar. Tut, no one can shame Malmsteen. He's just too sweet.
  3. 11:00 - 11:30ish normally.
  4. Isn't there a train or something? I thought you had trains in that part of England.
  5. People are still questioning whether they'll play there. The thought that they'd fill two 350 person venues is questionable. You should play it safe and come down to The Underworld. Everyone over at BMUK is meeting up there under a big Norse flag, should be fun.
  6. I won a Panda jigsaw puzzle when I was 6. A fancy dress competition at a caravan site. I dressed up as the Terminator, stole the mic off the presenter then punched him in the face. I guess everyone there found it cute.
  7. WoW is dangerous. Be prepared to trade your life in exchange for it. (Not that i'm saying that's a bad trade).
  8. http://www.totalrock.com/ is perhaps the best for Rock music. As Rizz mentioned, http://www.metal-archives.com is a very helpful database if you're looking for a certain metal band. http://www.allmusic.com/ is also meant to be rather good.
  9. Good good. Nice to see you've started to explore the genre. I assume you're going to see Gorgoroth & 1349 on the 30th then? My favourite bands currently are as follows: Beherit (Gritty, droning Black Metal), Burzum (The finest Black Metal ever created), Death (Incredible Progressive Thrash/Death Metal), Devil Doll (Unparalled Orchestral Rock with Speed Metal influences), Sigh (Their early works are Black Metal with heavy East Asian influences whereas their newer material is more Progressive Thrash), Master's Hammer (Unique sounding Czech Black Metal), The Chasm (Death/Thrash Metal with Aztechian influences), Xasthur (Nihilistic USBM), Mütiilation (The best of the Les Legiones Noire Black Metal scene), Moonblood (Darkthrone influenced German Black Metal) and Sarcofago (Early Brazilian Black/Thrash Metal). Tendo returns.
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