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Everything posted by nkarafo

  1. Hello, I own NTSC Brawl but I live in Europe. Is there any way to play online? When I'm trying, I cannot connect to the servers. It says all the time "seeking for opponents", registering, but it doesn't do anything else beyond that.
  2. Hey Teppo, I have Freeloader 1.0E too and I believe you remember my old posts about the incompatibility. I find it weird for you not having problems. Try Naruto GNT4 (JPN), skip the fmv intro and press start to select a game mode. In that moment, my wii freezes. Test it to tell me if you have the same error. Thanks.
  3. I don't know. I don't own the game and I can't tell you for sure. By the way I have emailed Datel since yesterday about the errors and no reply so far...
  4. No, some games are compatible and some others aren't. I have 4 import GameCube games and I tested them. 1. Naruto GNT 3 (JPN): Doesn't work with the new european freeloader. 2. Naruto GNT 4 (JPN): Doesn't work with the new european freeloader. 3. Resident Evil 4 (USA): Does work with the new european freeloader. 4. Eternal Darkness (USA): Doesn't work with the new european freeloader.
  5. Teppo you seem to be right. I checked Resident Evil 4 (USA) and it was playable with the new freeloader. So, some games are playable and some others require the old v.1.06b freeloader.
  6. Hey, I tried it and it works!! Many thanks!! :grin: :grin: :grin: Too pity that we have to do so many things in order to play some NTSC games. But at least we can play some terrific NTSC games like Naruto GNT 4 for example.
  7. I tried the new Freeloader (the european version) in my HDTV today with PAL Wii (firmware v2.1E) the games JPN Naruto GNT 3, 4 and USA Eternal Darkness and they were NOT playable!!!?????? I had an error and the games could not be resumed. The message error occured always in the start. In Naruto 3 & 4 after the intro fmv, I had a japanese message in black screen and it was saying something about off. Propably, an error occured, turn off the console. Pity. I emailed codejunkies and I'm waiting a response.
  8. Make a Mii, search Wii, learn the wii remote sensitivity and then the long awaited masterpiece will be shown in my TV. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA TP. The greatest game ever made by humans. The spectacular game of all time will be reborn. The legend iteself. The oustanding game developed by the perfect team of the amazing Nintendo. The gift from the heavens.
  9. Imagine to use a dive computer like Suunto Cobra and make discoveries and examinations below and above water. Or to create a logbook as a history and create bookmarks as a favourite spot in the ocean. It would be great.
  10. Yes, indeed. I was trying to play Fable to xbox but I get easily bored. I don't know. I just have played so many games and I want something new. Something that it seems different. For example, I'm waiting for the Zelda to Wii. I believe that this game will be totally different among the others. Then, we will forget Fable, Shadow of Colossus, etc. Nintendo is trying to enhance the games with originality, not only with graphics.
  11. Mee too!!! Wii Launch with Zelda TP of course. It will be a great experience.
  12. <IGN> IGN Wii: Will the controller rumble while you operate? Tomm: The controller does rumble while you operate and I think that's really what sets this version apart from the DS version. The big advantage on DS of course was that you were actually making contact with the "patient" so it felt really real. But, a stylus can't have force feedback. I know people were worried if the Wii's controls would make this version feel "weird" because you were far away from the patient, but I think the rumble features really make a difference. Whether you're making an incision or stretching a bandage over the incision, you feel it. That's one of my favorite features of the game. So, when we refer to a wiimoved rumble, we will mean a rumor.
  13. I finally completed it too. Despite the fact that the ending was a kinda disappointing, this is a great game. Top-quality music and thank God no voices, only plain text, good graphics (not the best but good enough) and very good gameplay. Actually this is the standard for any turn-based strategy game. Recommended to everyone!
  14. REALLY!!!???? They changed it again? I had read in some forums that they would started the normal episodes on September. Why so late again? Why?
  15. Filler episodes are episodes that they don't follow the manga's (japanese comics) story which is ahead of the episodes. They are just plain and dumb without good animation or story depth. I believe that they exist in order to fill the time so that the main team of the classic episodes is developing at the same time the new ones. They didn't want to stop the series, but they keep it alive with stupid filler episodes. Which means that someday around September the filler will stop and the main episodes will continue the exciting story. We can't wait.... Hey Shorty, nice Avatar! Do these naruto dolls really exist?
  16. No, with Rolf. There is an explanation with Rolf .Then you can kill him with Ike and after you complete the stage, Shinon will come to the band. Great great game!
  17. Without the d-pad, without the random selection of stages in a loop, without the "pick a character and start fight in a sec" especially in 4-player game and without the VERY BORING annoying mission mode in where you unlock characters and stuff. It has more characters, more levels, more moves and 3vs3 fight though.
  18. Hint: Talk to Zihark with a Laguz to join you and when the Black Knight appers, then try to calculate his moves. I think that he can move up to 6 squares. Be careful and DON'T try to kill the south-east enemies. Try to avoid at all costs, the girl with the dragon because if you don't kill her, she will aid you later.
  19. It's like Advance Wars but in Medieval. More complex, more RPG, more story-based and normal characters with their own personality. All in anime style. For me too this is my first Fire Emblem and believe me not the last. I will definitely buy the Wii's Fire Emblem. This convinced me to buy Fire Emblem: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/review/920189.html Only 1 person gave 4 out of 10 and all the others 8,9 or 10 out of 10 as a rating! If you like easy tactical strategy games with the genuine nintendo gameplay, then buy it.
  20. Lik-sang: http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=79&products_id=5979& Naruto with Freeloader pack (Freeloader is essential to swap PAL to NTSC in order to play USA or JAP games)
  21. Look. As far as the Japanese Naruto games (Gekitou Ninja Taisen), there are 4. The 4th includes many many spoilers for you and I would recommend to you the 3rd, IF ONLY, you have friends to play with. Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3 has a great multiplayer. If you don't have any, then don't buy any of these fightings. You will get bored of it easily. Wait for Naruto 5 propably to Wii and when it will be out in 2007, then you will have watched all the story episodes. Also, the N:GNT3 has some advantages like the fast start combat, the random selection of stages, the d-pad support that they were NOT in 4!! For some people, the 3rd is better than 4th. But, the 4 has some other good stuff like the 3vs3 fight, more stages, more characters, more moves. I own both of them and if you don't want spoilers, then go ahead and buy the 3rd. It's one of the best fightings ever. I have played Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Dragonball, Smash Bros and my personal best is Naruto. Balanced, very faithful to anime, fun, 4vs4 battle, strategic moves, easy to understand and play and with nice graphics and music.
  22. Poorly!???? On GameCube??? Are you crazy man? RE4 sold very very good! That's why Capcom continues to support Nintendo: RE for DS, RE for Wii and we don't know for the future. RE5 isn't sure that it will not be ported to Wii. And don't write these ignorant and irrespective comments.
  23. Is Suda 51 a studio from Capcom? I think that these guys are very talented. I like this cel-shaded anime mature theme. It is a nice combination. Please make it an exclusive and bring it around the launch date!!!
  24. Yes, seems to be right. But what if we own 4 wiimotes? We need to buy 8 rechargable batteries and other 2 for backup. Then, when the batteries have low battery, we have to wait around 8-10 hours to be recharged again! I don't like neither the cords, neither the li-on recharger. But I was expecting more hours for the 2 AA batteries. I have Wavebird and I like it for the ~100 hours. Then again, I don't have rumble with Wavebird. So, it seems that all these facts are relevant. We have to make some sacrifices to gain something better.
  25. Dcubed, do you like the short usage of the batteries? Only 30 hours? Wavebird lasts around 60 - 70 hours and we don't have to change them all the time. Now, we have to buy rechargables batteries and a recharger.
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