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  1. i doubt the AC is built in, but the pic i posted before clearly enables the Rev to be plugged in when in the stand.
  2. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b51/Kschreck19/BackOfStand.jpg also, in the TGS unveling of the rev controller, in the end, the Revolution is sitting on a table and is clearly on as the light is shinning, yet there is no apparent cable. Battery? Its most likely just for presentation, but who knows.
  3. YES, nintendo has confirmed use of SD, they confirmed it like at e3 2005. edit: it seems IGN has identified that the video out is the same for GCN component cables, I didn't know because i never bought them. If it is exclusively for component, then there needs to be a audio out, which might be the mysterious hole.
  4. This is roughly the shape of the conventional Nintendo video/audio out connector. This however, is the one displayed on the revolution in the patent sketches.
  5. The controller lawsuit was supposudly a design infringement of the rumble or something in the dual shock. the PSP graffiti is Sony's latest attempt to be "hip" buy grafitti'ing "hip" PSP ads all over the public walls of many major cities. Its amusing to see pictures of local artists drawing all over these ads. http://us.gizmodo.com/gadgets/sony/sonys-psp-graffiti-is-pissing-people-off-140940.php
  6. haha, i was just about to say the same thing...
  7. loss? The DS is currently the fastest selling gaming machine on the planet. Unlike others, every DS Nintendo system sold is a profit; from launch day to right now.
  8. thats exactly what it is, because there will be such a storm of information only a few months away, no point in Nintendo releasing any info now to soften the hype.
  9. The revolution will most likely not be HD-DVD. Iwata has claimed otherwise, and Nintendo choosing a side in the heated ongoing format wars isn't too smart at the moment. I say just wait till e3.
  10. This looks like one of those toys you buy at the flea markets.
  11. well, im dissapointed. If i really wanted to use real punches to fight someone, i wouldn't be playing a video game. How the hell are we supposed to execute super rapid Falco punches and kicks?
  12. yeah it does, but when you look at it... its just a blue circle. For all i am concerned, all online music services are money makers... hope they carry it out succesfully.
  13. hehe *crashes car in game *rev controller flies through your body
  14. "Revolution: Where do you want to go today?"
  15. thats is quite small, can't wait to get my hands on it. btw, this shows another pretty good comparison on how big it is: http://www.gameplasma.com/images/e32005/day0/nintendo/05.jpg and hehe... from the ps3 forum page
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