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Nintendo expects profits of $862 million; total net assets equal $10.86 billion!!!

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You guys do know that 'net assets' are a thing you don't actually own, do you?


Net assets is a number that displays the amount of money that has gone through the company that year. Only Nintendo's profit is there to make investments with, and only if they haven't given away the profit among the shareholders.


no you are describing 'turnover'. See Sarka's post for the true definition of net assets... buildings, factories minus debts etc. Adding to that I bet there are a load of intangible assets such as the "Zelda Franchise". That has to be worth a few dollars.


The main point is that nintendo wont be taken over by anyone as its worth too much. Though Cisco has 20billion in the bank and so may still take an interest.


That's right, my economics is in Dutch so I confuse the terms sometimes, sorry! That's a nice savings account they have then.

Is anyone else a little annoyed that while the other 2 companies subsidise our gaming Nintendo carry on raking it in?


yip. its even more annoying when fanboys argue "nintendo makes a profit on every console they sell".... asif thats a good thing!:wtf:

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