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Videos and photos

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Hey all so I saw on a video demo they were looking at photos and videos off of their digital cameras on the Wii. Which got me thinking my digital camera films videos in AVI format which is also what many of the video files such as TV shows etc on my PC are in. Does this mean I could put my video files either on my digital camera or on a SD card and watch my TV shows on my TV?

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Most likely. I expect it won't take all formats, but yeah, AVI is probably supported.

Don't trust that though, as I don't know much about it.

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Hmmm now thats a good point you have there - hmmmm could watch the downloaded episodes of Heroes, Lost, Prison Break and Battlestar Galactica on my Wii rather than converting them to DVD using Win Avi.


Who need a DVD player when it can do this! (well hopefully anyway!).



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I already have this with my portable DVD player. It has an SD card bay aswell. It's pretty sweet, I tell you. Awesome DVD player.

Oh, and my friend has a DVD player that takes pretty much every computer media format (on discs, say, you could just burn out 4 GB of AVI files on a DVD and stick it right in the player). So his is sweeter than mine, mainly as I don't have a 4 GB SD card (I just have 512 MB atm).

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If this does work out would be hugely convienient for me as i'm always having to send the files downstairs to the computer with a burner then convert then burn now could just shove the wii downstairs

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So wait... the wii might be able to play stuff like .avi or .mp4? That's a lot more convienient than having to burn dvds.

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i thought it was only photos but my camera does have movie clip function


i'll be fine ether way


i' still be using iPhoto

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