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This makes me sad. I hope it's miraculously resurrected...


Still, I'll be getting the last 2 seasons on DVD soon as they're out in the shops for a reasonable price. The 200th episode was gold. Lets hope this follows suit.


I don't watch Atlantis, it just doesn't have the same quality that made SG-1 what it was. I've got the first 8 seasons of SG-1, and I always go back and watch them whenever I have some time. Truly one of the great Sci-Fi series (the best as far as I'm concerned).


Yeah SG1 definately is better than SGA. I only watch the occassional ep of SGA then watch them all on dvd.


Ive got 1-8 of SG1 aswell, only reason im not sure which boxset to get is that ive seen season 9 a lot more recently than some of the season 2 SGA eps.


Do you think you'll watch Atlantis next year considering Amanda Tapping is signed on for at least 14 episodes and Christopher Judge is gonna be in it at least once aswell?


Well, it'll be interesting won't it? I mean, I haven't really been following the story, which I really should have, seeing as the ancient homeworld was what SG-1 had been leading up to for like, 8 seasons, but when it actually happened, I was a little underwhelmed to be honest. I'd have to watch the first few seasons of SGA first before I watch the new ones though. The idea of Tapping and McKay in the same place sounds...interesting :laughing:. I'll probably take a gander once I've seen the last 2 seasons of SG-1.


What I'm more interested in seeing is where Shanks, Tapping, Judge and Anderson go from here.


As long as these 2 planned movies make enough money hopefully we'll get 1 or 2 a year for those guys to star in. Personally I wouldnt be against seeing Mitchell and Landry being killed off in the movies as I never really warmed to them. Vala can stay though, cant beat a scene with her and Daniel.


Hehe, to be honest, I liked Mitchell slightly better than Sheppard, he wasn't too bad, but he could never pull off the heartwarming, sarcastic, lovability of O' Neill, no one can. I can't see Mitchell being killed off to be honest, all I can hope for is a return from Jonas and O' Neill. Yeah, I don't really like Landry either, total disappointment after the legendary Hammond and of course, his successor :heh:, although I totally agree with Vala staying, her and Daniel are a pretty cool pair :heh:. She kinda tends to take the spotlight off Carter though, which might be a bad thing.


I guess we'll just have to wait and see :).


What possibly annoyed me most about Landry was the fact that it made no sense that he was there.


End of season 7 and start of season 8 we get the big explanation that the new president doesnt want the military in charge of the SGC. Then we find out they can but only if they put a friendly face on it, enter O'neill. Of course then we get pushed back to another general who would no longer be a friendly face if the SGC was ever made public.


We'll thats not really too big a deal, I suppose the president could let it go. The reason I don't really like him is cause it seems like he's there to fill in Hammonds shoes, but he doesn't quite manage that, he's not commanding or domineering enough, he just seems a touch insignificant in the long run. I also don't like any of the replacements for Dr. Frasier. God that was a sad episode.


Yeah, Dr Lam isnt exactly a brilliant replacement. Such a shame that they thought SG1 was ending at the end of season 7 so it would be ok to kill her off. At least we got the season 9 alternate universe episode.


I agree about Landry not being able to fill General Hammonds shoes. Its weird, over the 7 seasons he was in it he didnt have a massive amount to do but just seemed to do it so well.


Eh? Alternate universe? I haven't seen that one yet :heh:


So what were your favourite episodes?...man there have been so many, I really can't remember...


I suppose "Upgrades" is probably my favourite alongside the black hole one... some pure magic moments in SG-1 that I don't think any other Sci Fi show could come close to matching. In fact, season 4 was brilliant overall.


How in hell did I forget Window of Opportunity?? It was a very serious, but fun episode. O' Neill: "How far is this planet?" Teal'c: "Several billion light years." O' Neill : "Thats gotta be a record" :heh:


Its amazing how the went from a very funny episode to RDA doing some very serious acting talking about the death of O'Neills son but it worked really well.


I think im gonna have to go for season 9 on Thursday, im in the mood now to watch through SG1 as its ending, shame it wasnt a particularly good season.


Just wish we had got those re-released slimline boxsets that came out in the US. Ive got no room left in my dvd collection!


Nah, I like the big boxes, the make me look hardcore :heh:. Besides, I can't get the slimline ones now, they won't fit my collection :(. Ah well. Yeah, I'm currently scoping Ebay for season 9 myself.


Usually I would wait for the boxset to go down to around £23 but ive got the money to spend and have been in a stargate mood again lately. I tend to switch between SG1 and Star Trek TNG as my favourite sci-fi show depending on what mood im in.


You know, I've bought all my Stargate boxsets from either people selling them on this site, or from WHSmith. They sell them for 23.99, and everywhere else they go for around 50. It's pretty crazy.


They say a member of SG1 will become a regular member of Atlantis next season, any ideas who that'll be, i'd like for at least Jackson, T'Lec and Carter, it just won't be the same without that, first O'Neil now this, it's not right damnit... how long till these movies come out :heh:

Its Carter, shes not a proper regular member though as shes only signed on for 14 episodes.


Teal'c is confirmed for at least 1 episode aswell


I'll take one ep of teal'c goodness, it is better than zero, INDEED: peace:


Though one would think given Jacksons character he would be jumping at the chance to move to Atlantis....


... i just don't want to see it really end, it's like losing a friend:heh:

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