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Australian Wii Preorder


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how much was the gamecube when it was released in australia $299 or $399 ? i dont care to much about the console price as long as its under $400. its the games that hurt the wallet $100 for a game is just a bit much actualy anything over $80 is really pushing it.


If I remember correctly I bought my GC for $329 with a free game and a carry case oh and also an extra controller and memory card (all official). However I could just have the system price mixed up with the bundle which could have be like $389. I really cannot remember but certainly just for the console, it was not over $329, bundled or not. All of this is in AUD btw.


Games are generally $79 to $99 here for the GC and every other console.


If you talk to EB's or something, they aren't expecting a lower price than $400 in Australia. Some places are taking pre-orders and are saying between $400 and $500. I mentioned that Nintendo said that the machine would not go above $250 USD which is like $306 AUD and they just say that there are different taxes etc. So really and perhaps a bit unfortunate and also something I really don't care too much about like the other poster. I don't care how much (within reason), I just want it! :o)


I talked to two EB's by the way and the first lady said to me that not over the $250 USD is not what she has heard, meaning of course that it will be higher than this when converted to AUD (ie higher than $306 AUD). Also the other guy at the next EB's gave me the taxes run down and had heard previously about the not over $250 USD part and the first non EB's store one taking pre-orders and saying between $400 and $500, surely they cannot take $400 or $500 off everyone and then have to give back all of these refunds on the night of release. I am sure it will not be $500, but I am picking up signals that it is certaily going to be over $400. Even if they get heaps of people paying $400 and release it as $399, giving $1 back to each person would have to be a pain in the butt so you would think they would add that $1 to the price anyway. Also EB's said they will not bundle it with anything yet until they see what other stores do and then as they do, beat them on prices/deals. They will have that silly, trade your Cube with 10 games for $100 off the launch price, but nothing else at the moment. Also they will not open at midnight here (in Canberra) unless the pre-orders are worth doing so.


Oh yeah and here at EB's or any other store, no mention of any of the upcoming consoles, not even PS3. Like I mean any banners etc.


Sorry for the rant.


Kellet, I would be surprised if it isn't released in Aus this year. I am 99.9% sure it will be.


silversurfer reviews

Edited by NintendoDS
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i agree with nintendods.

99% sure of it being out in aus this year. and and and, i reckon it wont go over $400.

as ive said before, EB WILL match any other deal. so seeing as toysrus are doing a free launch title bundle. EB by default will as well.


for this, $400 aint too bad. consider the game to be $70 (think of it as a low-end game like wii-sports), and then basically the console is $330. which is cool! and while im at it, the glass is half full!

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wow, my EB has that too, (below PS3 ofcourse) they also have lotsof DS lite ads., however, they dont sell cube games anymore. I've seen the pre-order brochures etc.( i live in Aus) but ill be getting mine from a launch party. Another pre-order deal is from a store called Gametraders. They suck quite a bit, but they are offering to "give the best deal" and delivering the Wii on launch day.

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