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Mortal Kombat Armageddon for Wii


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This is a rumor, and i have posted it as a rumor on the mainsite.




The basic "concept" is that the Wiimote will control arm actions, while the Nunchaku will take on leg actions.


Light and heavy kicks, for example, will be done with the C and Z triggers on the Nunchaku. The analog stick lets you run (free roaming stages, similar to last two games). Finally, jumping is done by nudging the Nunchaku upwards.


On the other hand (ba-dum-tsh), you have light and heavy punches done with A and B. Blocking is done with the d-pad, and yes, it blocks in the direction you press.


Now, remember how in past fighting games moves were executed with a roll across the d-pad and a button press or two? Now, instead of the d-df-f style thumbrolls, you actually just point the Wiimote down and swing up to the forward position and then hit your button. This has two interesting side effects: 1) you can much more easily perform moves while running, as the controls are independent; 2) button mashers around the office are easily outed and christened with the new 'flailer' nomenclature. If you know what you're doing it apparently looks pretty cool.


I think blocking sounds horrible.

so that measn u have to hold back on the anologue AND d-pad.Why couln't mk use the same damn blocking system as street fighter 2?

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It sounds like holding back on both sticks would cause you to block while running backward. I wonder what pushing forward on the d-pad would do. Throws? It would be very interesting if they did something like this setup where attack moves are independent from movement. It would allow running fireballs, blocking while running at your opponent (?) and other such things. It could also allow for more moves in general if sweeping up + punch was different if done while moving vs. jumping vs. standing still. Charge moves would be easy enough as well.


One interesting thing about this setup would be that different characters could have different fighting styles that are represented by the moves the player has to do. What I mean is the player may have to do a lot of jabs for a boxing type character, or waving around in circular type motions for a magic type character, or chopping motions for a martial arts character, etc. If someone could pull it off it could be a whole new style of fighting experience that can only be had on Wii.

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There's a new interview with Ed Boon over at 1up where he states "Unfortunately I can't confirm the use of any of the controllers at this time. But I can assure you that we are definitely going to look into all of the controller options available to the Wii. Wii would be crazy not to. Sorry, I couldn't resist. [smiles] We'll be sure to let you guys know later this year what we at Midway decide to do... we're obviously excited to look at all of the possibilities that the Wii has to offer."


The way he talks seems to imply that the Wii version of Mortal Kombat very well could use the motion sensing capability of the Wiimote, at the very least as an optional control method. The time it would take to incorporate new controls could be the reason it is coming out later than the other versions. After all, if it controls just like the PS2 version, but comes out months later, who would buy it?

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  • 5 weeks later...

New news at Ign.com:

IGN Wii: How you would like to work the control mechanics in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for Wii?


Ed Boon: I have a number of ideas that we are going to try out, but don't think we are at the point in development where we can talk about the details of how the control scheme is going to work. Our primary goal is to make the controls responsive, intuitive and novel. It wouldn't make sense to us not to offer a new gaming experience with such a dramatic new control mechanism.


IGN Wii: In the past, you were quoted as saying the Wii-mote might not be a good fit for fighters. Do you still feel this is true?


Ed Boon: Actually, my comments in the past were referring to the Wii-mote and the traditional fighting formula/format that exists today. This format was designed for a controller with many (around 8) buttons. There will inherently be challenges to adapting it to a different control scheme. Imagine you designed a driving game using a steering wheel, gas and brake pedals as the inputs. Then someone comes along and asks you to change the control scheme to use a keyboard instead. A challenge? Yes. Changing an existing fighting game to use different controls is also going to introduce challenges. I think the best way to address this is to rethink the play mechanic to make the most out of the new control mechanism.


IGN Wii: Do you think Wii's horsepower is adequate enough to represent the new MK game?


Ed Boon: Yes, I do think the Wii has enough horsepower to handle Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.


IGN Wii: A major selling point of Nintendo's new Wii platform is its Virtual Console, which enables users to connect online and download -- for a price -- classic games from Nintendo and third parties. What are your thoughts about bringing over classic MK games to the Virtual Console?


Ed Boon: I would love to see that happen!


IGN Wii: Finally, what do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of Wii and where do you see console in the marketplace in two years?


Ed Boon: I hope the Wii is going to carve out its own market and will be very successful. As budgets for game development keeps going up and the prices for each system does the same, the Wii will become a more and more attractive option for both gamers as well as developers.


News here: http://wii.ign.com/articles/731/731841p1.html


Wow this is the first time I post news, this is the awesomeness Dante must feel when he posts news.

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  • 1 month later...

Not a big fan of these games but there are some fantastic movies on gamepost about it.


movies here


I recommend you check out:


Movie 3 - Official trailer (Cool Movie)


Movie 5 - Kreate a fatality (looks fun!)


Movie 4 - Motor Komabat (Mortal Kombat meet Mario Kart WTF?)


Movie 8 - Aerial Kombat (very crouching tiger!)


Motor Kombat






A wide selection of characters




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