xino Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 yes that will be a GREAT IDEA to ingore me becuase you started this fight in the first place thinking you are a man lol a man that plays weak games AKA nintendo
Kav Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 xino, tell me this, what games are considered by most, including critics, reviewers and gamers alike, to be the best in the world? Nintendo games! Ocarina of Time anyone?! once more you show your low level of IQ and poor reasoning skills and once more i owned you!!!
xino Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 first you need to give details in your question and OOT is your best, others will say Killer 7 some will say RE4 sorry i know you an't a hardcore gamer from that OOT, so i won't bother listening the best games becuase it will be a waste of my time and there isn't a best game of the world, its called YEAR AKA Game Of The Year Quote xino, tell me this, what games are considered by most, including critics, reviewers and gamers alike, to be the best in the world? Nintendo games! Ocarina of Time anyone?! once more you show your low level of IQ and poor reasoning skills and once more i owned you!! how did you own me? you posted OOT is da best game in the world and i have just set/ prove your @ss staright YOU MUST BE DIZZY:d I SAID, ingore me? you can't resist can't you?
Kurtle Squad Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Xino....Why don't you shut the fuck up!! Resi 5 will quite likely come to the Rev. What does it matter that no1 knows the Revo specs YET?!
xino Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 nOW Sprout you where telling me not to use bad words Kurt R looks like you are looking for a fight has well but i won't bother with you yes it does matter about the console tec spec you are still young you don't know how to make games i don't know has well, i have done one before but not with console lets just say i have expreince in this kind of stuff:D
YenRug Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Xino, simple request, really. If you intend to maintain a presence on here beyond the next week, if you're lucky at this rate, try to be constructive in what you post rather than argumentative. At the moment you seem to be coming in to a thread and posting your opinion with nothing to back up why you made your statement; at that point if anyone dares to post something, which contradicts your opinion, you then simply respond by shouting them down stating that what they have said is not a fact. In this instance: Capcom have announced that Resident Evil 5 is in development for Xbox360 and PS3, they have confirmed that it may be considered for other platforms as time goes on and they have so far not ruled out any. This does not mean that RE5 will not be coming to the Revolution, nor does it mean that it will, it simply means that there is still the possibility. Admittedly, Capcom have been demonstrating that RE5 will be running in HD format and they have stated that it will be optimised for that; it does not mean, however, that you will only be able to play it on a HDTV set. One fact does not automatically imply that the opposite is untrue, which seems to be the basis for your stance in this argument, others have tried to point this out and you have then proceeded to shout them down and proclaim them as "owned". You do not "own" someone by declaring it so; you "own" someone by proving them wrong, try to do so and you might find some people will actually bother to treat your opinion with respect.
knightendo Posted October 3, 2005 Posted October 3, 2005 xino, capcom like so many others, have had to sign non-disclosure agreements with nintendo, they saw the controller long before the tokyo game show and weren't allowed to say a word... what else do they all know that we don't? who knows? my point is, as Cube magazine stated, all the major publishers have been asked by nintendo not to release concrete details on projects for the revo yet so we'll all just have to wait and see... now, shall we please return to being on this forum for the reason we came here for in the first place, and that's to share the nintendo love... however, with your comments about us all being kids and that the "big boys" will be playing ps3 and 360 i'm guessing you're not a nintendo fan, so why don't you run along to the ps3 and 360 sites then, and stop wasting your time and ours here. for the record everyone, i think it's best we ignore people like this if they come here to act this way, it's happened on knight rider online and they've been completely ignored and they grow bored and leave... long live the revolution
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