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Bad news for some


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Speeds good if you're all doing it.


Meh, I still find it;

1) rather boring, sure you get some nice tingelings etc and you can be awake, but it's not like you get some relevations or anything

2) is cigs a female repellant? speed makes you sweat all over the place and stink, yuck. And even if you where able to get a girl, you need some serious 'help' from her and willpower to be able to have sex (atleast penetration sex)

3) if you're drinking alcohol at the same time, watch out, it's easy to get really drunk since it doesn't feel like you're esp. drunk. Also, you'll spend a fortune at the pub since you want to get drunk but you don't realize how drunk you are.

4) hard to eat, and you don't want to eat. I mean, how fun is that? eating is great :)


But sure, it might be fun sometimes, but I don't like it much at all.

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Guest Ford Prefect

the biggest bastard is the fact they made magic mushrooms a class A last year! wankers.........

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Meh, I still find it;

1) rather boring, sure you get some nice tingelings etc and you can be awake, but it's not like you get some relevations or anything

2) is cigs a female repellant? speed makes you sweat all over the place and stink, yuck. And even if you where able to get a girl, you need some serious 'help' from her and willpower to be able to have sex (atleast penetration sex)

3) if you're drinking alcohol at the same time, watch out, it's easy to get really drunk since it doesn't feel like you're esp. drunk. Also, you'll spend a fortune at the pub since you want to get drunk but you don't realize how drunk you are.

4) hard to eat, and you don't want to eat. I mean, how fun is that? eating is great :)


But sure, it might be fun sometimes, but I don't like it much at all.


1) But you can chat for hours. I find we forget everything we spoken about until the next time we get high. lol.

2) Depends from person to person. I don't sweat that much on speed. And I know a couple who can go for hours having sex. I think 19 is their best. lol.

3) I drink the alcohol first. :D

4) Why would I want to eat? It's a great way to lose weight!

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Meh, I still find it;

1) rather boring, sure you get some nice tingelings etc and you can be awake, but it's not like you get some relevations or anything

2) is cigs a female repellant? speed makes you sweat all over the place and stink, yuck. And even if you where able to get a girl, you need some serious 'help' from her and willpower to be able to have sex (atleast penetration sex)

3) if you're drinking alcohol at the same time, watch out, it's easy to get really drunk since it doesn't feel like you're esp. drunk. Also, you'll spend a fortune at the pub since you want to get drunk but you don't realize how drunk you are.

4) hard to eat, and you don't want to eat. I mean, how fun is that? eating is great :)


But sure, it might be fun sometimes, but I don't like it much at all.



1) You must be getting some right shit speed then, sure with good stuff you can be so buzzed you don't even notice it sometimes, but good speed is anything but boring.


2) Again, you must be getting some piss poor merchandise, either that or you have some psychological problem about sex. I've had many a marathon sex session on speed, if anything it just makes me go faster, harder and longer, not that I need it for that.


3) Not a problem, I find I'm too busy to drink on speed, I can easily make one drink last a night and if I do want to get drunk on top I'll do some spirits neat.


4) Not hard to eat at all, I always made a point of eating one meal a day when speeding, got to keep the energy up on those week long sessions.


Sure, you may not like it, and it's not everybodies cup of tea, but by the sounds of it you've been taking shite.


And whatever you do kids, if you're curious about drugs, don't ask Frank, he's a biased propaganda tool of the government, ask someone who knows what they're talking about.

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Yeah, the nWeed plant without the drug that gets you high (THC) is called Hemp, it's used to make rope and bags and clothes etc... :P



Though, Hemp is just the male variety of normal Weed though. So this could be a female hemp, just without any THC. Oh well, there's still homegrown.

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Guest Ford Prefect

apparently a phet and viagra combination is great in the bedroom. you usualy need the viagra when on phet. shrinks the old man down to fucking nothing.

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apparently a phet and viagra combination is great in the bedroom. you usualy need the viagra when on phet. shrinks the old man down to fucking nothing.


Speak for yourself.

Amphetamines have never once hampered my sexual performance.

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