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Your pc must be REALLY old. Source scales really well to old pc's so thats surprising. You lose the eye candy however. Get a new pc but not from Dell :wink:


Not all of us can afford a new PC and a PS3 that is going to be too expensive for most households.

Man I can't even play CS: Source right now since I was demoted back to dial up, and I'm itching for it. Now I want this too.



I ahve a couple of mates whop play cs on a 56k, as long as your pc is good, or you turn the graphics in the ingame options down, there shouldn't be a problem, yo can gte a ping of about 130-180 which means not much lag, you just have to find the right server, try sd, theres is fast, um i can put an ip up if your intrested (it's nothing to do with me, i just play on it).

I ahve a couple of mates whop play cs on a 56k, as long as your pc is good, or you turn the graphics in the ingame options down, there shouldn't be a problem, yo can gte a ping of about 130-180 which means not much lag, you just have to find the right server, try sd, theres is fast, um i can put an ip up if your intrested (it's nothing to do with me, i just play on it).


I was on 56k for a while, I have a decent card and a fast PC, but I hate a ping over 100 now that I've been on 2MB I don't want to go back. Not only that but I have had to install the game again and the update would take hoursandhoursandhours.

I was on 56k for a while, I have a decent card and a fast PC, but I hate a ping over 100 now that I've been on 2MB I don't want to go back. Not only that but I have had to install the game again and the update would take hoursandhoursandhours.




Very ture, the 2 people i now who play over a 56k both downloaded all the upades, it took them ages, one of them would leave his pc on over night, just to get it updated, lol.


I played it on the first night it came back (then my connection died for 3 days...) i love it. Its so much fun, and its called Lost Coast not Lost Island. The HDR works really well. I can run everything maxed out apart from the AA which is now down to a poor 2X and i get 90-60fps. :)

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