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Wii wasnt a Wii but a GameCube


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Only one game used a standard GC, no more RAM, no more CPU, only a "extra" wii controller add-on, that title was Zelda:


I don't believe any other game had this kind of setup, and Twilight Princess was probably the only title shown in this fashion. It makes sense when you consider that the game was in development for GameCube for so long and was only ported to the Wii relatively recently. I got further confirmation when I photographed the back on the TV stand--look closely and you can see the black GameCube, partially obscured by a clear plastic bag. The other Wii demo stations were considerably less cluttered with wires, because I believe they were actually running on Wii's.
Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=100631


And this was said by the guy who leaked/took the photos in the first place.


but yes, the hardware wasn't final and the graphics can get better. that's probably why FFCC and SSBB weren't shown in realtime.


but the other consoles certainly had more RAM, better CPU, more RAM, a souped-up gamecube if you will...

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I`m confused:confused: :confused: :confused:

How did a GC use Wiimote?

Well... as a add-on.


Wiimote started off being a GC acessory anyway... but they, the only GC on show with a Wii game was Zelda TP, why? because it is a GC game with support for the Wiimote, Nintendo said that the graphics would be equal.


for example look at the specs Nintendo gave 24 MB 1T-SRAM and then a extra 64 MB 1T-SRAM? why... in separate banks? well because it probably goes to another separate PCB and the standard GC can only take 24 MB 1T-SRAM. because 1T-SRAM can only index a limited amount of memory for chip, in GC's case that's 12 MB... they clearly couldn't fit all those in a standard GC case, but the games clearly used more RAM.

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NOA has confirmed that they used Game Cube at E3, because Wii are not quite finished.


We've received numerous e-mails about the wire-cluttered image to the right of this post, but now Nintendo of America has come out and confirmed that, in fact, the Wii games were being played through GameCubes -- or, more accurately, Wii hardware embedded in a GameCube, "made specifically for the E3 show and is not the final mass-production version."


NOA's PR Manager Matt Atwood noted that "for some of the games that you've seen, the focus for them was not graphics at all," hinting that a few of the titles may seen graphical improvements. Atwood stated that the system specs are still being finalized, but that their E3 showing was "very indicative of the experience Wii will offer." Don't get your hopes up for vast technical improvements.



I read it one more time, and found out its was a modded GC so was used, but it was't the complete Wii hardware.


Source: http://www.joystiq.com

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But thats mean that Game Cube can still do some graphics now. If you see at Metriod Prime 3 its looked very nice, and its was running on a Game Cube. And maybe Red Steel get a lift up to at the graphics, many complained its looked worse than games on Game Cube.
No... Metroid Prime 3 used bloom lightning so it couldn't be running on a flipper (GC's GPU) because it lacks support for effects like those, we're not talking about "gamecube's" here, that's not the issue.


NoA didn't say they were GC's, they said they used "upgraded" GC's with GC casing on "some" games on show... that doesn't include the ones who look really good like MP3, Sonic and Mario Galaxy, or also the ones who weren't showed because they probably can't run with that detail level yet on the prototypes, like SSBB and FFCC.


I could use a GC PCB for most rumored Wii components, I mean... GC uses a powerPC G3 whose core goes as high as 500 MHz... Wii uses a G3 core who goes up to 1,1 GHz, I'm sure I could fit it easily in that motherboard without fuzz, 1T-SRAM? just drop a version with more Speed and add a extra bank with 64 MB, and what about flipper? well the GPU isn't ready anyway, and it's really not a issue for games like... Wii Sports.

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Most of the games shown on e3 were develloped on the gamecube based devkits... so only a few inhouse nitnedo games (mario etc.) where up to date with the latest devkit... The final dev kits are just getting done, so it just nintendos own games thats based on that... some games where just reasently updated and upgraded to the latest dev-kit... I think the only game 100% fitted to the final dev-kit was Mario...


Remember how long red-steel has been in development... most of the development time where on gamecube kits... so ofcasuse the grafics will improve, sine the final kit will not get in devellopers hands until mid june...

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The hardware was final but only very few studios had access to a final devkit - only Nintendo studios showed off improvement over the GameCube and even US-based Retro Studios only implemented a few effects that were possible on the Wii hardware, they haven't fully used the Wii hardware at all.


Bottom line - it was Wii hardware, but they were running Cube games. Graphics of most games will get better.

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