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Wii drums


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My God, I'm a tomato!


Seriously guys- you are so close to turning into fanboys.

I hate when a company gets to a point where a group of deluded fools think that everything that falls out of their arse is gold.

Google and Apple are prime examples.. and now you're part of the Nintendo croud.


Take a step back and look at yourselves.

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My God, I'm a tomato!


Seriously guys- you are so close to turning into fanboys.

I hate when a company gets to a point where a group of deluded fools think that everything that falls out of their arse is gold.

Google and Apple are prime examples.. and now you're part of the Nintendo croud.


Take a step back and look at yourselves.

I like how you reverse all the talk and acuse us... hey I explained why I liked Wii Drums and I didn't even had to justify myself and it's really up to my tastes... And you say I don't have arguments and am close to turning into a fanboy? the one with no arguments here has a name, and that's Nintendork, sure you're free to disliking it, just like "hey it's not my style" or "that's not even a game" but still it wouldn't be a real reason apart from a impression, why? because you didn't play it...


I saw potential in it, you didn't saw it... that's says all.


Now, why bashing a game you've never played? I'll be sincere now... I don't exactly love WarioWare (not to the extent of paying full price) but I'm not going to it's oficial thread and call it piss. Now WarioWare had other games in the franchise so of course I played them and can talk about those to justify "why"... but as for Wii Drums what do we have? nothing, just some videos.


If I'm a fanboy then, I am a fanboy with eyes, and not some blind sheep...


Fanboy? Yes, I'm a Nintendo fan... yes that means I prefer Nintendo to Sony(or Microsoft for that matter)... Hell if it wasn't for Nintendo I wouldn't even be a gamer.


Coming to a Nintendo Forum and calling us fanboys... lol, nice argument.

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It's shit, it shouldn't even come on a demo disk that's how shit it is.

Haha, that is the stupidest thing ever, how annoying.


I wouldn't play this if they paid me.. I'm hoping Toshio Iwai makes a game.


Mate, you are so blinkered it hilarious. Its notvabout being fanboys (though I'll admit to loving Nintendo for the past 20 years) its about the way you act on these forums. Look at what you wrote, word for word.


"It's shit" - how the fuck do you know its shit?!?! It makes you look arrogant with these stupid statements. If you said "It looks shit." Fair enough, but you dont talk like that, you talk like you know everything about every game evenvthough youve never played them!! Thats what irratates everyone here!


PS Kudis for quoting Family Guy, maybe you're not all bad ;)

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Nintendork, your 'shame' for fanboys seems to translate to commenting almost only on things you don't like, and with that in an unfriendly, arrogant way. Truth is, you don't know it's shit, and neither does the rest of the world. All you can say is 'not my kind of fun, give me a real game' like I'm thinking.


It's a bit too much an 'everybody' game, not worth my 60 euros.

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