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BBC: Argh, this doesn't sound right...


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Such over-reacting.

Stop taking it so personally, it's not your console to care about it.. if Nintendo felt that it was unfair they'd do something about it.

Not your fight, you're just over-reacting like a fanboy.


BBC news is okay because it has no political/corporate bias.. I prefer the Guardian though, Mike-zim don't tell me you hate labour just because of Tony Blair too?

It's a good party.

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yea, jes a few bits and bobs here and there that make Labour SEEM bad, all the publicity is what brings out only the worst in people, but yea, tony really does need to step down, he has served us pretty well, epsept these past years


BBC need to "really" look into the games marketplace to have a clue hgow to report on gaming news

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They obviously thought that the Yakuza were Ninjas..lol Japanese/Chinese, they're all the same!


(Die BBC!!) This was obviously made by a Sony fanboy.


I think you'll find both the Yakuza and Ninja are both, traditionally, Japanese. If you're thinking of Japanese/Chinese confusions, you're probably thinking more along the lines of Yakuza/Tongs.

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The only time I've ever seen the BBC do Nintendo justice, and actually do any research on the subject was when they did that program on BBC3 all about the companies history. The program was part of a series all about powerful international companies and thir money. It was really interesting actually.


I can remember watching that too, but even with all the research they did into the subject they still managed to get things wrong, i can remember them reporting on the whole epilepsy thing (from the NES days) and saying that it was a Nintendo developed game that provoked the attacks, when in fact it was a capcom game (megaman).


I stopped taking the news (BBC/ITV/SKY) seriously ages back, almost everything they report isnt reseached upon correctly, so what you hear on the news in basicaly lies.

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