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Wii games will look better than they did at E3

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Yeh, I've not heard of anything about the Wii controller and if it uses rechargeable batteries or whatever. I'll wait for nintendo to officially announce it.


Anyway, back on topic, I'm satisfied with the graphics of the Wii so far. As Nintendo said, the console is gonna cost less then the 360 and PS3, So I was kinda expecting the graphics to look worse than the competition. For me, its the games that make my decision, not the graphics. It's a shame that can't be said for everyone....

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Apparently an ATI guy at E3 was asked about the system and mentioned it'll have visuals "On par or slightly better than Gamecube" so it doesn't sound like even the final devkits will make much of a difference. Stuff like Prime 3 has more improvements than most people would think, considering it's running in widescreen, has much larger areas, more enemies and fancier effects. All those things take up a bit more processing power and since the Wii doesn't have THAT much more power you can't expect them to be able to drastically up the polycount and textures as well as have those things.


The only games that'll improve MUCH I think are the third party titles. Red Steel and Sonic Wii were basically the only ones that didn't look like PS2 games from third parties and it sounds like Red Steel is quite a bit less impressive in real life. Basically I expect a lot of improvements in all third party games before launch though, but I definitely don't expect any to look as good as Mario Galaxy (which I dont see improving much either, it looks incredible so I cant imagine how much more it can be improved on Wii).


Anyway about the batteries, it HAS been said by Nintendo (I dont have the link but it was certainly official, just a big deal wasn't made out of it) that the controller will be using AA batteries and there are currently "no plans" for there to be rechargable ones with the system. This is almost a suicide decision to me if the battery life is low so I seriously hope they reconsider.

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mario looked more cooler , individual fingers , better shading and shadows.....

the robot boss was amazing , in how it looked , and in the way you had to beat it...


metriod prime creators said there working mostly now , on making the graphics much nicer then the previous ones....


i think even if the grafix didnt improve by launch time ... i'd still be happy as a monkey , set free , in a highly populated shopping mall.....

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Uses normal batteries and has a low life span :/

Well then...

Guess it's time to dust off my old batterycharger... It charges ALL kinds of batterys. A, AA, AAA, B and H or whatever they're called!


I'd preffer cellphone-like batterys though. I had my old cellphone on ten hours a day for three yeard before I had to buy new batteries (I didn't buy new batteries, though, I bought a brand new phone with built in MP3-player).

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I'm quite happy to hear that, because I had the feeling the Red Steel graphics were missing some things. I can't exactly say what it is but somehow the lighting felt wrong. Good that there's still potential left.

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Apparently an ATI guy at E3 was asked about the system and mentioned it'll have visuals "On par or slightly better than Gamecube" so it doesn't sound like even the final devkits will make much of a difference. Stuff like Prime 3 has more improvements than most people would think, considering it's running in widescreen, has much larger areas, more enemies and fancier effects. All those things take up a bit more processing power and since the Wii doesn't have THAT much more power you can't expect them to be able to drastically up the polycount and textures as well as have those things.


The only games that'll improve MUCH I think are the third party titles. Red Steel and Sonic Wii were basically the only ones that didn't look like PS2 games from third parties and it sounds like Red Steel is quite a bit less impressive in real life. Basically I expect a lot of improvements in all third party games before launch though, but I definitely don't expect any to look as good as Mario Galaxy (which I dont see improving much either, it looks incredible so I cant imagine how much more it can be improved on Wii).


Anyway about the batteries, it HAS been said by Nintendo (I dont have the link but it was certainly official, just a big deal wasn't made out of it) that the controller will be using AA batteries and there are currently "no plans" for there to be rechargable ones with the system. This is almost a suicide decision to me if the battery life is low so I seriously hope they reconsider.


Link? I´ve seen the ati-interview and I didn´t hear anything like onpar or the like! He was just blubbering that he´s proud to deal with nintendo like all nintendo-reps if they are asked about specs!!!!!!!!!

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Apparently an ATI guy at E3 was asked about the system and mentioned it'll have visuals "On par or slightly better than Gamecube" so it doesn't sound like even the final devkits will make much of a difference. Stuff like Prime 3 has more improvements than most people would think, considering it's running in widescreen, has much larger areas, more enemies and fancier effects. All those things take up a bit more processing power and since the Wii doesn't have THAT much more power you can't expect them to be able to drastically up the polycount and textures as well as have those things.
I wonder how that explains Mario Galaxy and Smash Brawl. Those games beat the crap out of everything we saw on GameCube (yes, even far better than Ressie), and even Metroid Prime 3 and Red Steel showed major improvements despite working with Cube hardware so long (and only adopting to near-final Wii hardware for about a month).


The real final devkits only ship in June.

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Of course the games will look better than they did at E3. The final dev kits have not even been sent out yet. Some developers are using the 4th iteration of the dev kits (at most) from what ive heard. The final ones are the 5th version of the dev kits.

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Mario galaxy looked perfect (really, i think it looked just right!), but i think there is room for improvement on the other games. I heard that only Nintendo and e few third party companies have received final development kits. So i have no doubt that games will look a little bit better.


But what about that "displacement mapping" they were talking about? Are they using that yet? How can we tell?

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the final dev kits aren't even ready yet, word on the street is they will be ready in June.

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But what about that "displacement mapping" they were talking about? Are they using that yet? How can we tell?
You can't, as displacement mapping is a way to pretend there are a lot of polygons while not actually rendering them, and therefore you can't really see it.


Displacement mapping is not some magic technology however. It offers zero interactivity, can't be textured and therefore only does good in terrain.

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the final dev kits aren't even ready yet, word on the street is they will be ready in June.


okay, is there a way to recognise "displacement mapping" being used? And is Mario galaxy the only game so far that is really using the Wii's capabilities (with lighting, shading, reflexion, etc.)?

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If the Rayman Raving Rabbits trailer was in game, then Ubi has pulled off something the same level as Mario Galaxy graphics wise. Sonic Wild Fire also looked ace, and IGN even said it was on par with Mario Galaxy.


Of the Nintendo games only Brawl seemed to look as good, but we haven't seen real ingame shots of that, and MP3 and Red Steel showed some signs of the hidden potential but hadn't reached the level of Mario Galaxy by far. Wii Sports Flying looked great too, but it's a rather simple game so that hardly counts.

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You can't, as displacement mapping is a way to pretend there are a lot of polygons while not actually rendering them, and therefore you can't really see it.


Displacement mapping is not some magic technology however. It offers zero interactivity, can't be textured and therefore only does good in terrain.


I thought they also showed examples of displacement mapping in body armour... So perhaps it's just a way to improve backgrounds/ surroundings?


If the Rayman Raving Rabbits trailer was in game, then Ubi has pulled off something the same level as Mario Galaxy graphics wise. Sonic Wild Fire also looked ace, and IGN even said it was on par with Mario Galaxy.


Of the Nintendo games only Brawl seemed to look as good, but we haven't seen real ingame shots of that, and MP3 and Red Steel showed some signs of the hidden potential but hadn't reached the level of Mario Galaxy by far. Wii Sports Flying looked great too, but it's a rather simple game so that hardly counts.


You're right, Sonic looked pretty good too, although not as good as Mario.

I thought Rayman looked good too, but those clips were only partialy gameplay.The Braw trailer had no ingame graphics and i really didn't think those graphics were that good anyway (but that's probably because this game is in really early development).


You can't, as displacement mapping is a way to pretend there are a lot of polygons while not actually rendering them, and therefore you can't really see it.


Displacement mapping is not some magic technology however. It offers zero interactivity, can't be textured and therefore only does good in terrain.


Here is a link that shows an example of displacement mapping on body armour. If this is true, Then imagine how the clothes of Link and the body-armour of enemies can look like. Or is this example too much credit for the displacement mapping technique?



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