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Playstation 2&3 thread

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Seen as we have a thread for XBOX 360, XBOX live(halo), and one for the PSP why don't we have one to put all collective things for PS2 and PS3, in a brand new thread.

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Yeah its inevitable. My opinion on the PS3 thus far:


Though it still feels like vaporware, im sure itll be a great system after several price cuts. There will be PS3 games that im gonna want like Motorstorm and Dragon Quest, both of which will hopefully be multiplatform. If they released a PS3Lite (which is impossible due to the Blu-ray requirment for games) that just played games, id probably be all over it.


Also its hard for me to want to buy a video game machine from a company thats ashamed for it to be called that.

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Do we really have much to talk about the PS2 now, its been out like five years. Apart from the occassional person getting one, its dead (in terms of hardware, I'd admit theres lots of software coming out).


PS3 we know relatively little about, and most of the discussion exists within threads such as "PS3 delayed?" or "PS3 price" etc.

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I wanna get dragon quest 8. Just played a bit of the demo and it is pretty impressive.


But I've hardly got any money and I got exams to revise for. Maybe afterwards...

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Everyone knows the PS2s have all set themselves on fire. Nobody has one anymore.


I'm happy with the other PS3 threads and the PSP does not interest me.

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PS2 the system that will keep living for ages. It's the system that has some of the most exciting games coming in what is left of this generation. OMG OKAMI :D

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Dragon Quest VIII is a great game, i'm really enjoying it! But it's on hold for now, because of Kingdom Hearts II, which is one of my favourite games, EVER. The only thing that bothers me is that it's easy, but i don't mind it that much. It's still an awesome game.

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I might be getting my *cough*premodified PSTwo *cough* and might import a game called Samurai Champaloo - something or other - its made by Grasshoper studios I am a fan of theres now, they know what makes a game fun e.g Killer 7, Contact, and now this.


All I have to say is OMG there great :D :D :D

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I might be getting my *cough*premodified PSTwo *cough* and might import a game called Samurai Champaloo - something or other - its made by Grasshoper studios I am a fan of theres now, they know what makes a game fun e.g Killer 7, Contact, and now this.


All I have to say is OMG there great :D :D :D


:o they made samurai champloo


fuck me, thats awesome

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A 'Playstation 3 Official Thread' just like the Xbox 360 thread will be made and stickied just before E3. If you wish to make threads to discuss PS2/PS3 games feel free.



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