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My first AMV!!


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what do you guys think?

Well firstly I think the anti-emo kids will slaughter you for using Linkin Park if they see this thread. (Since they haven't figured out LP isn't emo)


I also think that website is annoyingly put together, sending you on a wild goose chase before finally taking you to your desired video.


But on topic *downloads* firstly, what did you use to encode it? DivX and XviD are your friends, although x264 seems to be the way of the future. I ask because I couldn't play it in Winamp, so I used VLC Media Player.


Although the video started a little slow, I think the part during the song's chorus is where it showed it's stuff. The way you picked up the pace and timed the tennis hits with the upward parts of the riff and drumbeat seemed skillful and definitely made it more fun to watch. The subtitles threw me off a bit from time to time though.


Nice work =) keep it up.

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I thought I encoded it in normal Mpeg2 format... hmm..

I didn't notice how hard it was to downlaod from that site untill now. I'll try uploading it to my own FTP. I know I should have made the movie from a RAW to avoid the subs. But it was my first amv project :)

Tnx for your reply Shorty.


Download friendly link here:


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I never understood the point of AMV's, but if their objective is to make us want to watch the anime, then congrats, looks fucking awesome! I heard of this anime before, but my thoughts about tennis made me think that it would be boring. I need to "get" this right away.

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I highly recomend the series. I never thought I would like it. But it realy amazing.

The clips in the AMV are from the movie. In the series the special trix are not "super power" animated.


But my fav Anime series with a realy dull consept is Hikaru no go.

One of my absolut fav series.

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That was a very enjoyable AMV, considering it's your first try.


To begin with, I really liked the intro. The bouncing ball was nicely synced to the music, and the kid in the forest helped with the peaceful atmosphere. Maybe next time you should name your amv.


Once the song got "heavier", the amv scenes completely changed, and it became mostly an action amv, which is actually what suits this song.

As required of an amv of this type, there was some nice syncing to the beats (like at 1:53 and 2:31), though little effects and transitions (which isn't necessary a bad thing).

The chorus was well done, and it reached it's "momentum" with the last "pushing me away".

I'm not sure about this, but did you attempt to lip sync? There was some parts that actually worked well, but others it was a little out of beat. (but it probably wasn't intentional).

The subs were kind of disappointing, on your next amv try to select scenes without subs (although it's not always possible, i know), or maybe try cropping them.

I was expecting a video made in Movie Maker since it was your first, luckily you seem to already handle a more advanced editor, which gives you plenty of room to improve on your next amv. Still, you did a very good job on this Prince of Tennis amv :wink: .

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Tnx for your comment Naruto.

I didn't try to lip sync. I guess I was lucky.

I hate Subs in AMV's but I'm just a bit lazy.

My next AMV will offcourse be subfree. It will also have a name :)

I'm not working on any at the moment. But after seeing the POT movie I knew I had to make one.

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