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My sister, quite briliantly, bought me an old NES from Gamestation for Christmas. I've bought a few games for it since, but sometimes have problems starting up some of them. For instance, my copy of Zelda rarely starts up first time, requiring much cartridge "blowing" before it will play.


I read somewhere on the Internet that glitchy start-ups are rarely a hardware problem, and can be solved by cleaning the contact points in the console itself. This process, I understand can be quite tricky, and involves taking the thing apart (scary!).


I understand that this is probably a regular problem, seeing as the hardware's about 20 years old, but I wondered if anyone has successfully solved the issue by cleaning the insides of the console, cos I really want to be able to play my games without the hassle? Any feedback would be great...

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What causes this problem is the pin connectors inside the NES.They are either dirty or they have become slightly seperated. You can get a cleaning kit which does sort the problem out for a while but the best bet is to get a new 72 pin connector. You can get these on ebay and it will last you ages once its installed. The guys on ebay usually give you instructions on how to install it. Just use the search option and you will no doubt find 1.

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I found a NES cleaning kit for 10p in Beatties many moons ago, sorted my secondhand NES right out. It was like a cart with a handle that aftre you put it in you shoved it back and forth a few times to clean the contacts, and a thingy for cleaning the carts. Try putting the cart in as far towards you as possible when you push it down.

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