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I seem to remember when the Revo was first announced that a magazine, I think NGC, reported that the Revo would work with a sensor placed on top of the tv.


I dont see how this could work with a 3D image or even a wall projected image.


Unless you stick little pods all over the walls.


I remember reading that one of the nintendo execs said it would work on any tv, even lcd and plasmas and Projectors, but I'm a lazy git so will not search for a link


Well liek duh, projectors work the same way as TVs only beam the image onto something. There'll be no projector/visor/3D hologram/magic toilet coming with the Revolution though.


<< Yay I made it to frequent poster :D


I think everyother poster saying its gunna have 3d projection is only gunna hurt nintendo come e3 time and we all find out it isnt..All this hype on sterioscopic 3d projection is fun and all but , i think it can only create disapointment.. and even if revolution , in some sick miracle , did pull off 3d projection and showed it at e3 , then it would only be a surprise to half the people due to all this premature ''3d talk'' now.

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