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w00! Another question!

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I think it would be helpful if you gave us readers a bit more knowledge about what this thread is about. The title really doesn't help, imo.


To answer your question: it does. :p

There is a broadband adapter that is available for you to purchase on the gamecube. However, there is a very small selection of online games for this system. First that springs to mind is Phantasy star online eps 1 and 2.

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*slaps forehead*

Why would it be called Phantasy Star ONLINE if it wasn't?

Theres also another couple of games online in Japan, both animal crossing like... i forget their names.

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what other games can be used to play online?

Through Warpipe:


Mario KArt DS

Starfox Armada (or whatever its called)

Kirby's Air Ride


Basically all the LAN Gamecube games.

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Although the Gamecube was the first to go online, Nintendo held back from it because they wanted to have all the bugs taken care of first and stuff. Also they wanted to give everyone the best deal and it's definately gone that way as we now have free online play for DS and Revolution through the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

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Through Warpipe:


Mario KArt DS

Starfox Armada (or whatever its called)

Kirby's Air Ride


Basically all the LAN Gamecube games.


Sooj, i think you got this abit mixed up.


Warp pipe =

Mario Kart Double Dash

1080 Avalanche

Kirby's Air Ride


Nintendo WiFi is totally free, all you have to pay for is your internet access and a wireless router/dongle. Warp pipe is also free as it is 3rd party software that simply tells the GameCube to connect to the internet instead of a LAN. PSO however was £7 a month, totally worth it. I was a level 90 HUmar when i played it, till my memory card corupted. :(

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