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THQ Nordic have snapped up the Timesplitters IP

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6 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:

So THQ Nordic are in the middle of what can only be called a shitstorm of a PR disaster. Their marketing department held an AMA on 8chan, a site well known for some really disgusting and questionable activity from what I've heard. Quite frankly, it's baffling they've gone ahead with it. I've not seen/heard much of what's been said but Patrick Klepek of Waypoint has shared a few snippets on Twitter and it's just mental to think a PR department would sign off on doing an AMA on anywhere other than Reddit.

Not a great image for their business. Gonna be hard to resolve this issue. As I saw someone say on Twitter, you've got to feel for the dev teams working on games to be published by THQ Nordic following this as there'll surely be some form of impact/fallout.

Just when you think the industry can't get any more baffling...

I couldn't believe it when I saw it! I simply had to make a thread on here about it.  It's absolutely wild!!


Just... how!? How does something like this even happen!? It's completely batshit insane!


And to think that I was cheering these guys on just a few weeks ago! How can this industry keep fucking up so badly!? It beggars belief!

Edited by Dcubed
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