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American law students do a Good Thing


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So the american government has been spying on random people? i don't get it..

Sounds like what they did was really brave though, *applause*


Though the war was never justified, yes, i believe it was right of them to take saddam, but then after a new election happened, the troops are still there, why? To cause more pain, hurt etc


I read in the mail in other day, that Osama Bin Laden has offered a truce with George Bush, and he said that he is aware that most of the people in America want the troops out of Iraq,/ Afghanistan. He said that they are planning another attack on America, and what was their response?

"we do not negotiate with terrorists" if you can save potentially thousands of lives thwen wouldn't you rather take the truce? Bush needs to get some fucking sence and reaqlise what's going to happen if he carries ont his way. I still don't see how he won that last election.

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No retro you're a bit off base. They are spying on their own citizens, just like in 1984 (George Orwell). The students r getting pissed because they live in a country that is meant to be based on freedom of thought and speech yet their Attorney General is justifying monitoring people, to check if anyone gets out of line.


Anybody see how they are pressuring Google into giving them information on people? That's messed up. I can see why Google did what they did in China but being used as a 3rd party spy service is just low, especially when you try and enforce it by law.

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To the hundreds of Iraqi civilians, women, and children that were injured or killed during US airstrikes and gunfire, George Bush is more of a threat to them than Saddam was


I disagree.


In the short term, wars always cause death and destruction, this is true. However, in the long run the conflict will establish a full democratic system in Iraq, and potentially start an expansion of similar systems in the middle east as a whole.


this is far better than a psychotic despot who hides the bodies of his murdered people in mass graves.

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