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Help a dwarf in need!


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Whatuuuup Knee?


As some forumers might know already, next month I'm heading off to Burkina Faso in West Africa to participate in some volunteering projects. Out there I'll be promoting human rights, improving access to health education, and helping local women to gain some financial independence in an area where women are traditionally excluded from civic life. Terrifically excited about going and hopefully I'll get some personal development out of it too (hot topic of the moment I see). And for any doubters, don't worry - it's not voluntourism.


Met my fellow volunteers on some training days up in York recently, all of whom were as lovely as you'd expect. The organisers ran a few ice-breaking games to get everyone acquainted on the first day, one of which was Ninja. I ended up winning the game in a group of twenty, so I'd like to dedicate the victory to the N-E MEAT team as without their teachings during the meets I wouldn't have been sharp enough to rinse everyone like a propa ledge. (Pointless detail: deployed a filthy Maradona-esque tactic of pretending to ask the group about a technicality in the rules when it was actually just a ruse to eliminate the organiser to my right with a snide lunge. PLAYER.)


Anyway, to go on this volunteering scheme I've been tasked to raise £1500, money which will allow international development charities to send more volunteers around the world to do good work. I've raised £1100 so far by running an ultra-marathon, selling cakes, doing a bucket collection at a train station, and this week I'm hosting a charity quiz in my village. I'm hoping to raise a few hundred quid from that, but in the meantime I need a couple more donations, however small, to make sure I hit that target.


If anyone here would be interested in supporting me that would be bloody splendid! Even if I'm only able to winkle a fiver from the forum the thread will have been worth it, so thanks to anyone who can spare a few bob. My fundraising deadline is next Monday btw - any donations before then would be ideal. My JustGiving link is thus:




Thank you! :)

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