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GameBlast 15.


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Wondered if anyone was aware of this/planning on streaming?


Here's abit about them;


We're challenging you to organise your own gaming marathon with friends, colleagues or just by yourself - and get sponsored to do it! And by scheduling your gaming marathon over the weekend of 20-22 February, you’ll be part of GameBlast15, a nationwide gaming for good event that will transform the lives of gamers with disabilities.


Also there is an awesome video over here;




I'm on vacation next week so will be streaming for around 8 hours a day Tuesday-Friday (roughly around 2pm-10pm GMT) trying to clear my backlog and then finishing off with around 12 hours of streaming on Saturday! So around 44 hours of streaming through out the week. I won't be raising money as it feels like a bit of cop out that I'm not exactly doing the 24 hour marathon streaming plus people are already far to generous with Extra Life donations I can't expect that from you. I will however have videos of their work running during the stream and links on how to donate so raising awareness along the way.


Here are my plans for a rough schedule;

Tuesday-Wednesday Backlog Clearing; D4, Watchdogs, Rayman Legends, Resident Evil Remake HD


Throwback Thursday: Playing (and hopefully) games I didn’t own as a kid!


Friday Backlog Clearing: Hopefully picking up last pieces of D4, Watchdogs, Rayman Legends, Resident Evil Remake HD. Bonus night stream of: Alien Isolation!


Saturday: PC Backlog clearing Rogue Squadron 3D, Broken Age, South Park Stick of Truth plus Multiplayer fun to round off the week.


Please join me at http://www.twitch.tv/flameboy84 and if anyone else is streaming or wants to play some games together let me know! Perhaps we can set up some challenges and loser donates to the GameBlast staff accounts or something!

Edited by flameboy
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