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Capcom Arcade Cabinet collection coming to Wii U and 3DS eShop!


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No list of games yet, but the front cover aludes to it at least including Legendary Wings, Commando, Section Z, Gunsmoke, Trojan, UN Squadron, Black Tiger, Ghosts 'N Goblins and 1942.


Since Backbone are out of business now, I think it's highly likely that the collection will be done by Iron Galaxy Studios (same people who did Street Fighter 3 Online on PSN/XBLA), so the emulation quality should be much better than previous collections :)


While I'm not that interested in the Wii U one (since I'd rather see them released as Virtual Console Arcade games, in order to guarantee perfect emulation), I'm really keen on getting them on 3DS at least! :D

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Aw nice! Hopefully they will start releasing a bunch of these, i love the Capcom arcade stuff, maybe this will finally mean a release of the Streetfighter, Darkstalkers and Megaman anthologies that every other console (in japan at least) has gotten.

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I'd love to have Final Fight and games of its ilk on my 3DS, but it seems this is mainly "8-Bit" games rather than CP System. I'll probably still get it though.


Ghosts N' Goblins is CPS1 at least...


I suspect that this'll probably be mostly the same set of games as on those PS2 Capcom Classics collection (though hopefully with decent emulation this time!)

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Ghosts N' Goblins is CPS1 at least...


I suspect that this'll probably be mostly the same set of games as on those PS2 Capcom Classics collection (though hopefully with decent emulation this time!)


Are you sure? This is all I could find for Ghosts 'n Goblins' hardware: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosts_%27n_Goblins#Arcade_hardware_info


Ghouls 'n Ghosts was CP System, but that has significantly better graphics. CP System is things like Final Fight, Street Fighter II etc (and indeed, most of Capcom Classics Collection on the Xbox/PS2): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_System#List_of_games

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Are you sure? This is all I could find for Ghosts 'n Goblins' hardware: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosts_%27n_Goblins#Arcade_hardware_info


Ghouls 'n Ghosts was CP System, but that has significantly better graphics. CP System is things like Final Fight, Street Fighter II etc (and indeed, most of Capcom Classics Collection on the Xbox/PS2): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_System#List_of_games


Yeah, you're right. Sorry, must've gotten it mixed up with its sequel :blush:


But despite that, I still suspect that this'll be the same set of games that was compiled for PS2/PSP before, so I reckon that it'll also include some CPS titles :)

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That'd be brilliant.


Although my enthusiasm for Ghosts 'n Goblins is not quite as high since I realised it probably won't have Restore Points, will it? I can barely get past the first level!


Well these are seemingly not Virtual Console releases so who knows what features they'll have?


As long as the emulation quality is good, I'm happy. That's all I care about. I don't expect it to be up to the same standards as the VC, but with Backbone out of the picture it should be done by someone who actually gives a shit about the emulation quality at least :)

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