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Interstellar Marines


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Interstellar Marines is an FPS developed by the Indy Studio Zero Point Software. It's an up to four player coop science-fiction tactical shooter. At least that's what it's supposed to be, when it's finished. Right now they are in the middle of development.

However, they take quite an interesting approach by creating small demos first, to get the gameplay right. The first one was Bullseye, which was basically a target practice game, then came Running Man, where you have to fight human shaped robots. Both demos are freely available on their website and run within the browser window.

Furthermore during the week of E3 you can play their in-development multiplayer component Deadlock for free (else it's only available to players who pre-ordered the game).

The game is supposed to ship for PC, X-Box 360 and PS3. At the moment their main focus is on PC though.


I've been part of the community for a while and I'm quite impressed with their work. The team is very passionate about the game and an immersive experience. They also listen a lot to the community. For instance when some people claimed a weapon had too much kickback, they fixed it within a few days. Most of the (admittedly) small team also visits the forum regularly and actually replies to stuff and asks us.


The developer's site, along with the demos is: http://www.interstellarmarines.com/

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Pretty sure I first saw this about 6 years ago. I'm not convinced it's ever coming out.


In fact were I to be less charitable, I might say it comes across as an investment scam.


True the earliest stuff dates back six years. I was also sceptical at first but with an update to Deadlock every three weeks I'm pretty convinced they are actually using the money to make the game, they are just a really small team.

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