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Virtual Boy


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Evening all,


I've decided to sell my cherished Virtual Boy that I picked up on a holiday in the states about 15 years ago. Selling to increase my cashflow and generate some holiday money. Things you should know:


  • It is modded. The Virtual Boy EATS batteries, so I soldered an AC/DC adaptor into it, cos let's face it, it's not a portable machine! I'm likely to be re-doing this before selling to give it a good send off.
  • It has no battery pack I'm afraid, so you'll need that adaptor.
  • It's unboxed but I'm fairly sure I have the manual.
  • Comes with Mario Tennis free of charge (which is super addictive!)


If you are interested but are unsure then please ask questions. Pics to come shortly also!


Games wise I also have Wario Land (boxed), which is simply one of the best 2D platforming games I've ever played. It has a lot in common with the Wario Land games on the Game Boy but just steps it up in every way.


I also have Red Alarm (boxed), a flight sim shoot 'em up that I guess you could say is a cross between a Rez, Starfox and G-Police. Everything is in wire mesh which looks fantastic in 3D and you are free to roam around the level at whatever speed you want. Great one for survivalist gamers as it can get pretty tough!


Looking for £60 for the console and £20 for each of the games.

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Right, so the 2 halves of my brain are now arguing with each other...


I regularly play my old Nintendo consoles & never even touched a Virtual Boy in the flesh, would absolutely love to & it would be getting a good loving home. I'm just trying to silence the common sense part of my conscience telling me not to splurge out!


Where about are you based - perhaps if you're not far from me (Birmingham) and i could collect / meet you somewhere it'll push me over the edge :hehe:

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I'm in Banbury, so not a million miles away. Let me know and we can get something organised!


Right, assuming everything's in unbroken order (I know the legs are pretty flimsy), consider it tentatively sold - i'll take the other games off you too :)


PM'd you.

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