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Wii U playable at CES in January?

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I think they should re name it the Wiii.


There completely different. :)


Still too similar. What about the "Nintendo Waa!"

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And that's just because of the name!


The name is only the tip of the iceberg. It's because of the same form factor, the same design, the same interface - bar a gray nob that doesn't mean much to parents and co. and games that can easily mistaken for DS games by that audience. Everything reinforces the notion that "3DS" means "3D-DS" as in "a DS that displays its games in 3D". A marketing campaign that stressed "glasses free 3D" more than "all new system generation/successor to the DS" didn't help that either. Being sold for less than the DSiXL by now also creates confusion.


Can't see anything like this happening with the WiiU, as long as Nintendo doesn't repeat the mistakes they made in last year's E3 presentation. That is to say, spouting "new controller, new controller, new controller" instead of "new console".


Around 1:30 they're presenting the WiiU and despite lasting only a couple of seconds and probably just repeating what they were told to say, that should leave little doubt as for what exactly a WiiU is to the average consumer. And these women somehow seem to think there is a new console every other year, so it's probably not exactly hard to confuse them. :heh:

Edited by Burny

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