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Oh god yes, that track is simply gorgeous. Brian Eno can turn me into a great effervescing ball of stratospheric euphoria like nobody else.


I'm assuming what you're looking for is more ambiance than song based structure Wessss?


In which case:







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[11:11 is good too]


But yeah Regina is a pale imitation of what she once was. Like a damp...piece of fabric.


What happened to songs like Oedipus, Daniel Cowman, Chemo Limo etc? Eet being the highlight of an album is a terrible terrible sign.

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It's worse than anyone else's musical output attrophying though because she was so unique, I genuinely cannot think of anyone who sounds like Regina Spektor, and now I'm stuck listening to the same two albums since I was like 17.


Oh Regina Spektor. You cling to my soul like toilet tissue on a shoe.

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But the task was to find a song that matches the one Wesley posted, not to choose the best songs from an artist's repertoire :p Us is too upbeat. Samson suits as well though. The overall feel of Far is not as good as the albums before, but there are quite a few songs on it that I really like. To each their own? :) Though is that (your post) the general consensus? I never really had anyone to discuss her music with.


On topic:


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Though is that (your post) the general consensus? I never really had anyone to discuss her music with.


Yeah the general consensus amongst fans/listeners is that Far is her worst. And it is, so yeah. People say Begin To Hope was the beginning of the end (it was), but that has 10x the personality and fun of Far. But everything before Begin To Hope is better.

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