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Wii U essentials?


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The reason I'm quoting Just Dance is that I think it's difficult to predict what games people are going to buy. Nintendo changed things a lot with the Wii and widened the range of people who would play video games. However I don't see a massive game change with the WiiU. All I see is more of Nintendo doing the same thing but with their current IP's running on a higher spec console.



Above all I want games to be good and fun to play, I don't care what system they're on.


The Wii U will not attract casual gamers like the current Wii does. If casuals want an HD console with waggle, they'll buy a PS3 with Move, because it's already out, is established and it is cheaper than the Wii U in all probability will be. If they want something brand new, they'll buy an Xbox 360 with Kinect, because it's also cheap, established and has a lineup of games.


Hence trying to attract people with Dance Central and other sleeper hits is unlikely.


The Wii U will be an attempt to get the core audience back, while not excluding the casuals. Software wise the Wii U will need to have everything its competitors have and more.


Nintendo are in a tough spot. Either the Wii U will be the last console of its generation, being launched moments before the death of the entire generation and sales will completely cease.

Or it's the first console of the new generation, which just like the current Wii will be far out horsepowered once the competitors come out. This time around, however, Nintendo have one advantage more, and one less. Nintendo aren't opening the doors for non-gamers: they're already open, and to keep up, everyone else has also opened them. BUT, this time their console will at least for a limited time be the graphically most advanced machine out there. In that case, they'll need software which will make the high-end graphics loving game nerds wet themselves with glee, so they can get a head start.

The third option is that Sony and MS aren't interrested in launching a new console within the near future. But in that case, the Wii U will STILL be the last of its generation, having sold some 50 milion consoles less than either competitor. And sorry, but casuals don't buy the newest and the best: they buy what they know and what's trendy.

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