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Consumption of News (Help needed please!


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Hey guys,


I'm doing a university project on how the newspaper industry is changing and I'm looking for some people to post a short video of themselves answering a few questions regarding the consumption of news.


Very easy and shouldn't take more than a few minutes to do! If any of you could do this then that would be fandabbydozy!



1. How do you see the consumption of news changing?


2. How do you consume news today?


3. When did you first start to use the internet and how has this impacted on your life?


4. What newspapers do you read?


5. Which newspapers and news corporations do you trust?



Ideally the video should just be a headshot but if you can't manage that then it's not too important!



Disclaimer: The cumulative video will be shown to a class of around 30 people but will not go anywhere else other than that.



Any format of video will do; uploads to YouTube, .3gp, . mov or whatever! Also if you can speak in a language other than English then please answer the questions in that language as long as you can provide an English transcription of it :D.

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