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Resi 5 & Sonic!?!

Kurtle Squad

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Thanks for the references regarding the 'Shell'.

However I feel this set up could only be used for retro gaming. But there is a danger lazy third party developers could just use the shell for ports, which would be a travesty to be honest, especially not opting for the unique potential of the rev controller. Dave Perry would be one of those that would be lazy enough not to experiment and try something new with the new controller, if going by his recent remarks can be taken into consideration.


The flip side is, without a shell or something, 3rd parties might not even bring the games to the Revolution because they might feel 'put off' by the controller.

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Thanks for the references regarding the 'Shell'.

However I feel this set up could only be used for retro gaming. But there is a danger lazy third party developers could just use the shell for ports, which would be a travesty to be honest, especially not opting for the unique potential of the rev controller. Dave Perry would be one of those that would be lazy enough not to experiment and try something new with the new controller, if going by his recent remarks can be taken into consideration.


A travesty, yes. Then again, would you rather NOT have Resident Evil 5 or Sonic at all??? Yes, I want this new controller to be used as much as poss to create some amazingly unique gaming experiences, but at the end of the day, I also want to play Resident Evil 5 without buying an entirely new console.


You are right that there is a risk of Lazy developers opting for the Shell, but it just comes with the territory. People need to ease into big changes. It would be impossible for EVERY developer to create Free-Hand controller games of a SUPERIOR standard, on par with other console games like Resi 5 and MGS4, so quickly. Its going to be a slow transition I think. We will see some straight ports for the first year in my guess, quite frequently. Much like the DS was treated at launch for instance. Now though, the situation with DS is improving NOT perfect, by any stretch.. but its leaps and bounds better than earlier in its life.


We just have to be paitient. Nintendo said they would cater for ALL gamers, and they NEED to cater for the gamer who just wants a lil Norm into their gaming lives. Its the smart move and Honestly, the Developers who WANT to create unique experiences with the Free-Style controller will DO SO. Shell or not.

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they probably will be, they would be stupid not to release them on the revo, and maybe introduce new features just for it!!


some games probably wont make it but the add on shell will help that cause but who cares we are gonna have the entire nintendo catalogue to play with!!

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