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New Series to watch with my girlfriend...


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Watching shows separately over skype? What the hell, that seems a bit of a stupid thing to do, to me. But I'm weird like that.


Anywho, I second The Wire, Breaking Bad, Man Men, Six Feet Under, Sopranos, boardwalk empire, arrested development, first 4 seasons of west wing, seinfeld. I add Band Of Brothers!

And 30 rock, scrubs and The Pacific get a special mention, too.


Community is great but it's not AMAZING OMG SO GOOD. Same for Parks And Rec.


Chuck is okay/cool, but that's about it(and the gaming references are usually overly generalized and dumbed down, if we're being honest... still, better than nothing, heh?). Same for how I met your mother.


Just break it off now mate


Well, if one's being honest, it's a bit of a lesser genre. I mean, even it's MVPs fall short of most great dramas. I can forgive you for Stargate (as it seems to divide audiences), but apart from BSG and Firefly it's mostly a minefield of a genre. And even those two are somewhat lacking. (not really a fan of TNG, if you were wondering why I didn't mention it) It just seems to mostly be a ridiculous and unimaginative genre. Everytime I think of Babylon 5 or Farscape = gag reflex. And giggle reflex, also.

The Wire alone > BSG + SG1 + TNG + Firefly all combined into one giant bowl of awesome.

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