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One of my favourite films. Dark, decadent and very foreboding.



I often listen to the soundtrack or rewatch it, I never get bored of it. I watched a reasonably interesting documentary about the film and the art and politics of Cabaret in Weimar (sp?) Germany last night on iPlayer, hosted/led/with Alan Cumming/s.


When people say "I hate musicals/I NEVER watch musicals", I always recommend them this, as it's a brilliant, brilliant film. It's not a "musical" - it's a film with songs in it. The songs aren't randomly sung by the main characters like the musical genre, they're part of the film, making sense to take place on the stage of the KitKat Club. They're also a dramatic tool used to set the scene/suggest/emphasise various themes, in a way much more effective than simple dramatic acting.


Anyway, a very important (Imo/obviously) and iconic film with brilliant performances, music and direction.


Thoughts/opinions on it? Or the show on stage, which I haven't seen. I just feel like it's overlooked by the general public. (But then lots of important films are)

Edited by Paj!
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My college is doing a production of this next term, although apparently it's quite different to the film. I can't say I liked what I saw of the film to be honest, I'm afraid my aversion to musicals still kicked in. I'll have to give the stage version a better chance though.


I would've thought the stage version would be more of a musical than the film.

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Oh Supergrunch.


From what I gather, the film is much more accomplished in terms of themes and character development than the stage version (or at least the original stage version). The homosexual subplot/text was added to the film since the book the stage show is based on is by a gay author who disguised it throughout the writing. Or something.


The music is amazing, nontheless. Not typical musical shite. Come on european/gypsy folk/slavic influences. I refuse to accept anyone disliking it.

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