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[Spoilers] Where does Metroid go from here?


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Before I start this topic, I'd just like to mention that I won't be going into any meta-analysis of Other M itself. I'll live that to the "experts" at IGN.


Please note, this thread contains spoilers from Other M.


What I am interested in, however, is where Metroid goes from here, specifically in regards to story and gameplay. To put things simply, the series could go in two directions. Firstly, it could return to the capable hands of Retro Studios, or alternatively, continue in the story-driven hands of Yoshio Sakamoto and co. For now, I'll be talking about the latter (although I don't necessarily feel the series should go in this direction).


If continuing on from where Other M ended, it would be great to see Samus' character become the quintessential sociopath. Other M quite clearly sets out that Samus saw Adam as a father figure. It could be very interesting to see Samus become cold and extensively isolated as a result of his death, and becoming ruthless, like Anakin from Star Wars or Julie from Three Colours: Blue.


This could open a wealth of options. Samus investigates a corrupted planet by herself, having lost faith in the Galatic federation. There, some pinnacle scenes could take place. Perhaps she sees a girl and her father in a dire situation, and chooses to not save them, as she sees elements of herself and Adam in them?


The idea of this transition almost seems too perfect. Not only would the problem of Samus [supposedly] being wimpy in Other M be solved, but could also really expand and enhance the character of Samus, creating intrigue and interest for the player.



Of course, this is simply my opinion and as I'm sure many of you would hate this to happen, I'd love to hear some other perspectives on the future of Metroid.

Edited by LostOverThere
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In terms of gameplay, I think there should be two distinct categories of game, like Mario - 3D and 2D (or 2.5D).


The 2D games can stick to handhelds, but they do need more buttons than the Wii remote. L and R are essential for diagonals and missiles. A and B are enough face buttons, although it doesn't hurt to have X and Y as well. I know a lot of people have a problem with "hand holding" and, whilst I love Metroid Fusion, I think Zero Mission had the better balance of gameplay and map design. Let's not forget though that Metroid games are immensely overwhelming, and whilst I don't want someone telling me where I can and can't go (such as in Fusion), it wouldn't hurt to have icons showing which rooms have uncollected Energy Tanks, Missile Expansions etc, as well as location pointers for the next bit of the game.


The 3D games should be on consoles and be as high-tech as possible if we ever want another Metroid to impress us as much as Prime. I advocate a system where we can switch between 3rd- and 1st-person at will. Not every Metroid game has to be like Prime, but why throw away the good work Retro Studios did? I'm also an advocate of stacking the weapons systems, like in Metroid Prime 3 - Nova Beam supercedes all other beams, Ice Missiles supercede other missiles, etc. What I do not want is someone telling me when I'm allowed to turn them on.


In terms of story, I'm in favour of throwing most of it out. Samus should land on a planet and the rest should be a complete mystery. A spooky atmosphere will immerse us more than a complicated story ever could.

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Was I dreaming or did I read in an interview where Sakamoto said that the next game would be post-Fusion?


I'd be perfectly happy with another M:OM type game with some changes.





Orchestrated Score

3rd Person


Get Rid:


Mission Based Objectives

Ridley (I doubt he would return anyway)

Gravity "Aurora" (Not that big of a deal, but if I'm being picky...)


Also, I wouldn't want to see another Metroid game based on a ship.


As for story, I really don't care *that* much. I don't care if Samus talks and I don't care if we go back to having the environments do all the explaining for us. As long as we don't have stupid shit like a romance between Samus and Anthony, we're good.


I don't want another Retro game. I don't want another 1st person Metroid game. Sakamoto knows how to make a Metroid game feel like a Metroid game, so I would obviously want him in charge. Going back to the Retro games (which are still great/good) after playing Other M made me realise how much they actually lacked the Metroid feel. Not completely, but compared to Other M...


Sakamoto has said that he was looking forward to reading peoples reactions on forums. With a good 95% of the people that played M:OM bitching about it and tearing it apart, I don't think he is in any rush to get another one out there. I'm not expecting him to make another game for at least 6 years.


Oh, and if he wants to make another 2D game instead, that's perfectly fine by me.

Edited by or else you will DIE
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I wouldn't mind a little detour for the series along the lines of Hunters, but for the Wii or 3DS. Just to give Sakamoto time to find a really solid direction to take the main series. It would also be good to have another out and out action FPS set in the Metroid universe, especially now Nintendo seem to be getting a better handle on how to implement online options.

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I think the Other M gameplay template is certainly worthy of another outing and I wouldn't mind seeing it on a handheld either - I think it would work nicely on the 3DS with it's streamline controls. I don't want a 1st person effort like Prime Hunters as I found the controls too uncomfortable but I guess now with the analog pad, they could replicate the GC Prime control scheme pretty faithfully if they wanted to and that would be easier to use for extended periods. A pure 2D game would also be good providing it's more Zero Mission than Fusion - I felt Fusion had more of an atmosphere (thanks to a darker colour palette and the music) but it's gameplay wasn't as fun.


On a console, I'm not too sure what I'd prefer. Seeing a first person entry with the detail of something like BioShock on the Wii's successor would be stunning. I'm torn because I found the actual pure gameplay of Other M more immediately satisfying than Prime even if the overall experience fails to live up. I think it's to do with it feeling like the recent 2D games in terms of it's pacing.


In terms of story, I just want a Metroid V that sees Samus lose the Fusion suit and get the Varia Suit back. How they would go about that with her coming into contact with the Chozo I'm not too sure but I certainly wouldn't object to them making an appearance.


But an event like that is more ending worthy than opener, as these creatures seem to have disappeared from the universe and for Samus to just drop on one might come across as bit more than a little contrived - it's an moment that requires build up. But given it also serves as the perfect reason to require finding power ups again, it makes sense to have it as the start. If it was the ending it could be used as the reason in the next Metroid game after that.

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In terms of story, I just want a Metroid V that sees Samus lose the Fusion suit and get the Varia Suit back. How they would go about that with her coming into contact with the Chozo I'm not too sure but I certainly wouldn't object to them making an appearance.


She lost the Fusion suit/inherited a new Varia-like suit at the end of Fusion. But yeah, I would certainly like to see a Chozo appearance in future games.

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I actually quite like the Fusion suit. Maybe it's just because Fusion was the first Metroid game I ever played.


Personally, I'd love to see another 2D Metroid next, set after Fusion. I'd also rather it stuck to being more like Super and Zero Mission, but I wouldn't mind if the OM engine was re-used, as long as the experience was less linear, set on a planet rather than a space station, and had more hummable music. Optional nunchuck support is a must as well.

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I think Nintendo need to realise they're not story tellers. If they want story in a new Metroid, then they need to hire a writer. Simple as. A story driven developer of which there are precious few in Japan so I say pass it to a western developer; i'm happy to let Retro continue with new projects - so i'll suggest Silicon Knights. And let them have complete artistic control, a mix of religion inspired story and haunting atmosphere is perfect for Metroid.


I'd love to see Silicon Knights meticulously constructing a back story for the Choze, why Samus is the heroine - what draws her to the Metroid, is there some spiritual reason for her? Tying up all the games together somehow.

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It's always been obvious where the story SHOULD be going. The end of Metroid Fusion set Samus up to rebel against the Galactic Federation in a "Metroid V" sidescroller, which should've been Metroid Dread on the DS years ago.


Gameplay wise I'd still like to see the main story go forward with sidescrollers. I'd really love to see a DS sidescroller using dual screen mechanics (wall jumping up chasms between screens, extra large boss rooms, etc) and with improved visual quality, similar to the Castlevania DS titles/Symphony of the Night. This is why I always wanted Metroid Dread to actually exist and come out...


In terms of 3D games I'd like them to progress with more "spin off" style titles, taking the basic Other M formula but improving on all the issues. Basically, a far better script, possibly analogue control and a better transition to first person, less linear, etc. I'd also really fucking like it if they didn't think Metroids have to be in every fucking game just because the series is named after them. It's irritating and holding the storyline back. If you're going to destroy the entire species in one game (Super Metroid) then you can't continue to rely on them without cheapening the story.


One storyline I'd like explored is the canon backstory. All hardcore Metroid fans know the basics, either from the official e-manga or Sakamoto interviews. Samus' parents were killed in a Space Pirate raid (led by Ridley) when she was a child, the Chozo took her to Zebes and raised her there and gave her the power suit.


What would make perfect sense is for there to be a game of these scenes. It's still weird that Samus' backstory is something only the hardcore fans have any exposure to. There's no reason to not fully incorporate it into the games. Sakamoto seems to like just giving little nods to it from time to time (e.g. the quick flashback to Samus as a child in front of Ridley in Other M) but for some reason there's been no full representation and explanantion of her roots in any single game so far.

Edited by James McGeachie
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