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Fallout: New Hungary


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I think this would make for a good spin-off. Make-shift weapons, burnt out cars, barren landscape, the pictures above are IRL fantastical concept art.




Seriously though:


Hungary battles to stem torrent of toxic sludge

Emergency services in Hungary are trying to stop a torrent of toxic red sludge flowing into major waterways, including the River Danube.


A state of emergency has been declared in three western counties after the chemical waste burst from a reservoir at an alumina plant.


Four people are known to have died, with 120 injured. Six more are missing.At least seven villages and towns are affected including Devecser, where the torrent was 2m (6.5ft) deep.


The flood swept cars from roads and damaged bridges and houses, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of residents.


The sludge - a mixture of water and mining waste containing heavy metals - is considered hazardous, according to Hungary's National Directorate General for Disaster Management (NDGDM).


While the cause of the deaths has not been established officially, it is believed the victims probably drowned.


Some 600,000-700,000 cubic metres (21m-24m cubic feet) of sludge escaped from the plant, 160km (100 miles) from the capital, Budapest.



Imagine your neighborhood being caked in shit, how shit would that be? (Swindon) Makes for some interesting photos though.

Condolences to those that presumably drowned in their fecal matter. Hopefully the situation is resolved soon.

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Sounds awful...hope they succeed in stopping the waste.


Quite interesting, just had a similar discussion today, but about an old iron / uranium mine here in Finland, quite near where I live actually. Apparently, it hasn't been properly closed, i.e. the markings of the site are not sufficient and the uranium is trickling into the nearby waters...which are used by the people living in the area. One spring even has a uranium crystal in it, though there are no markings to indicate contamination...Since the company doesn't exist anymore, no-one is "responsible" and nothing gets done about it, even though some people have been trying to get the message across for quite some time now...It's their drinking water, their home place, and still people do nothing about it...wow.

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