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Rate My Playlist


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Okay, blah blah Spotify is great. We all know the score, and if you don't...well, get with the times grandma.


Kind of like a cross between Rate my Film/Caption/Mum. So I'll post a play list and then everyone posts a playlist of their own while rating the playlist I posted.


I listen to the playlists that are posted after me and pick a winner. At which point the cycle repeats.


Crazy idea. Might not work but hey it's Summer WOOOOOOO!!!!




1) Playlists must not be longer then 10 songs.


2) You must have a theme to your playlist.


3) Remember order of songs in a playlist is important so don't just chuck some songs together without regard.


4) Also a little description would be nice. Not necessary but it would be much appreciated.






My Playlist:


Summer Sundays


This is a chilled out playlist for lazy Sunday afternoons. I've gone for a mixture of acoustic guitar and turntabalism (Okay, that one DJ Shadow song) but mostly I just wanted it to be either layed back and chilled.



Have a listen, I hope you like it and hopefully this thread takes off and we can all pick up some great music off each other! :smile:

Edited by Daft
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My spotify worked for a week or so, then it just kept having to rebuffer the music. The rest of my internet is hunky dory, just spotify is being a special.



Shame, since this thread is a good idea. I might make a playlist though, I should be able to manage that.

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